N뿐이다 Indicates that there is nothing else; besides that, it is the only one

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 제임스 씨, 비행기표 예매하려고요?

Mr. James, are you going to purchase an airline ticket?
네, 다음 달에 친구를 만나러 한국에 가려고 하는데 남은 비행기 좌석이 별로 없어요.
Yes, I am going to Korea to see my friend next month however there are not enough seats remaining.
다음 달은 성수기잖아요. 그때 가려면 미리 예약했어야지요.
The next month is the peak season. You should have booked ahead of time.
갑자기 결정됐거든요. 음, 여긴 잔여 좌석이 있는데 두 번 경유해야 되네요.
It was suddenly decided. Well, I have remaining seats here but I have to go via twice.
너무 힘들지 않을까요? 직항은 다 마감됐어요?
Wouldn't it be too hard? Are all the direct (nonstop) flights closed?
네, 남은 건 비즈니스석뿐이에요.
Yes, the only thing left is business class.

As it is attached to the noun, it is used when it indicates that there is nothing else; besides that, it is the only one.

내가 가진 것은 천 원뿐이에요.
All I have is only 1,000 won.

필요한 건 오직 실력뿐이다.
All I need is only a skill.

하루 종일 먹은 게 김밥 한 줄뿐이라서 너무 배가 고파요.
All I had was only one piece of kimbap all day so I am so hungry.

Related words
비행기표 airline ticket
좌석 seat
잔여 remaining
경유 via
직항 direct (nonstop) flight
비즈니스(business)석 business class

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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