V/A+ 나/은가/ㄴ가 해서

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 행복 항공입니다. 무엇을 도와 드릴까요?

Happy airline. How can I help you?
지난주에 비행기표를 예약했는데 날짜를 좀 변경할 수 있나 해서 전화했어요.
I reserved an airline ticket last week and am calling to see if I could change the dates.
성함과 예약 번호가 어떻게 되십니까?
What is your name and reservation number?
제임스 밀러이고 예약 번호는 AB1234예요. 미국에서 출발하는 날짜를 하루 앞당기고 싶은데요.
James Miller and the reservation number is AB1234. I would like to move the date of the departure flight from the United States forward by one day.
네, 가능한데 수수료가 발생합니다. 한 분만 변경해 드릴까요?
Yes, there is a service charge that will become effective. Should I change it for one person only?
아니요, 동승자도 같이 변경해 주세요.
No, please change the fellow passenger, too.

V/A+ 나/은가/ㄴ가 해서
As it is attached to an action verb's stem or descriptive verb's stem, it indicates that the speaker's thought is not clear. In the following clause, it brings the purpose to confirm uncertain things.

'-나 해서' is used at the end of an action verb's stem in '있다', '없다.' '-ㄴ가 해서' is used for vowels or the ending with 'ㄹ' of the descriptive verb's stem. Other than that, '-은가 해서' is used for when it ends with a consonant of the descriptive verb's stem.

가: 어디에 전화했어요?
Where did you call?
나: 친구가 오늘 모임에 오나 해서 전화해 봤어요.
I was calling to confirm whether or not my friend is coming to the meeting today.

가: 어떻게 오셨어요?
How are you here?
나: 지갑을 잃어버렸는데 혹시 여기 있나 해서 와 봤어요.
I lost my wallet and was confirming perhaps whether or not I left it here.

가: 찌개에 왜 물을 더 넣었어요?
Why did you put more water in the stew?
나: 찌개가 너무 짠가 해서요.
I was uncertain whether or not the stew was too salty.

Related words
항공 airline
앞당기다 to bring something forward
수수료 service charge
발생하다 to become effective
동승자 fellow passenger

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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