V+ 어야지/아야지/여야지. (의지)

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여보세요? 너 그 소식 들었어? 어제 정희 씨 할머니께서 돌아가셨대.
Hello? Did you hear that? Yesterday, I heard that Jung Hee's grandmother passed away.
어? 그럼 나도 조문하러 장례식장에 가야지.
Uh? Then, I'll go to the funeral hall to show my condolences.
그래서 오늘 나는 일부러 검은색 옷을 입고 왔어.
So, today, I am wearing black clothes deliberately.
나는 오늘 청바지 입고 나왔는데 어떡하지?
I am wearing blue jeans today. What should I do?
청바지는 안 돼. 장례식장에 갈 때는 단정한 옷을 입는 게 예의야.
No blue jeans. It is a courtesy to wear neat clothes when going to a funeral hall.
알았어. 그럼 집에 가서 정장으로 갈아입고 가야겠다.
Alright. Then, I should go home, change into a suit and go.

V+ 어야지/아야지/여야지. (의지)
As it is attached to an action verb's stem, it is used when the speaker talks as if he talks to himself about his belief or plan.

'-아야지' is used when the last syllable of an action verb's stem is 'ㅏ, ㅗ'. Other than that, '-어야지' is used if it ends with a vowel (ㅓ,ㅜ,ㅡ,ㅣ) '-여야지(해야지)' is used if '하-' is used.

오늘은 새로 산 티셔츠 입어야지.
I'm going to wear my new t-shirt today.

내일은 꼭 일찍 일어나야지.
I'm for sure going to wake up early.

앞으로 일주일에 세 번씩 운동해야지.
I'm going to work out three times a week in the future.

Related words
돌아가시다 to be passed away
조문 condolences
장례식장 funeral hall
검은색 black (color)
청바지 blue jeans
예의 courtesy

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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