주 5일제 도입됐는데도 여전히 피곤해 Even with a 5-day workweek, people are still tired

일하는 시간은 5분 줄었습니다. 학생들의 평균 학습 시간은 6시간 17분으로 5년 전보다 32분
감소했습니다. 2011년에 주 5일제 근무가 전면 시행되고 2012년부터는 주 5일 수업제가 도입
된 영향이 컸습니다. 29일 통계청이 발표한 “2014년 생활 시간 조사”에 따르면 노동·학습·이동
등 “의무 시간”이 하루 7시간 57분으로 5년 전보다 20분 감소했고 먹고 자는 데 쓰는 시간이 늘
었습니다. 하지만 주 5일제가 도입된 후 생활에 좀 더 여유가 생겼는데도 국민의 80% 이상은 여전히 피곤하다고 느끼고 있었습니다. 특히 남자, 30대, 대졸 이상, 취업자, 맞벌이일수록 시간이 부족하다는 느낌을 강하게 받는 것으로 나타났습니다.
It turns out that the amount of time that Koreans who are 20 years old or older spend on eating and time has increased by 20 minutes compared to 5 years ago. The amount of time spent on working has decreased by 5 minutes. The average amount of time spent on studying by students has decreased by 32 minutes to 6 hours and 17 minutes, compared to 5 years ago. This is largely due to the full-scale implementation of the five-day workweek in 2011 and the introduction of the five-day school week in 2012. According to the “2014 Daily Life Hours Research” published by the National Statistical Office, the amount of “duty time” for things like work, studying and transportation has decreased to 7 hours and 57 minutes a day, which is 20 minutes less than 5 years ago, and the amount of time spent on eating and sleeping has increased. But even though there is a little more spare time now after the five-day workweek was introduced, 80% of the nation still feels that they are tired. It turned out that especially men, people in their 30’s, people with a college degree, employed people, and married couple both working strongly feel that they don’t have enough time.
Study Notes
주 5일제 도입됐는데도 여전히 피곤해
= Even with a 5-day workweek, people are still tired
•도입되다 to come in (law, rule), to be introduced
•여전히 still
•피곤하다 to be tired
20세 이상 한국인이 먹고 자는 데 쓰는 시간이 5년 전보다 20분 늘어난 것으로 나타났습니다.
= It turns out that the amount of time that Koreans who are 20 years old or older spend on eating and time has increased by 20 minutes compared to 5 years ago.
•쓰다 to write
•늘어나다 to increase
•나타나다 to appear
일하는 시간은 5분 줄었습니다.
= The amount of time spent on working has decreased by 5 minutes.
학생들의 평균 학습 시간은 6시간 17분으로 5년 전보다 32분 감소했습니다.
= The average amount of time spent on studying by students has decreased by 32 minutes to 6 hours and 17 minutes, compared to 5 years ago.
•평균 average
•학습 study, learning
•감소하다 to decrease
2011년에 주 5일제 근무가 전면 시행되고 2012년부터는 주 5일 수업제가 도입된 영향이 컸습
= This is largely due to the full-scale implementation of the five-day workweek in 2011 and the introduction of the five-day school week in 2012.
•전면 overall
•시행되다 to enforce, to be carried out
•영향 effect
29일 통계청이 발표한 “2014년 생활 시간 조사”에 따르면 노동·학습·이동 등 “의무 시간”이 하
루 7시간 57분으로 5년 전보다 20분 감소했고 먹고 자는 데 쓰는 시간이 늘었습니다.
= According to the “2014 Daily Life Hours Research” published by the National Statistical Office, the amount of “duty time” for things like work, studying and transportation has decreased to 7 hours and 57 minutes a day, which is 20 minutes less than 5 years ago, and the amount of time spent on eating and sleeping has increased.
•발표하다 to present, to reveal
•노동 labor
•이동 moving (location)
•의무 obligation
하지만 주 5일제가 도입된 후 생활에 좀 더 여유가 생겼는데도 국민의 80% 이상은 여전히 피곤하다고 느끼고 있었습니다.
= But even though there is a little more spare time now after the five-day workweek was introduced, 80% of the nation still feels that they are tired.
•생활 life, living
•여유 margin, something extra
•생기다 to get, to come in to being existence
•느끼다 to feel
특히 남자, 30대, 대졸 이상, 취업자, 맞벌이일수록 시간이 부족하다는 느낌을 강하게 받는 것으로 나타났습니다.
= It turned out that especially men, people in their 30’s, people with a college degree, employed people, and married couple both working strongly feel that they don’t have enough time.
•대졸 college graduate
•이상 above, over, more than
•취업자 person who is employed
•맞벌이 working together for a living
•부족하다 to be insufficient, to lack
•강하게 strongly, hard
•느낌을 받다 to feel, to get vibes
Source : http://talktomeinkorean.com/