V/A+ 는다고/ㄴ다고/다고(인용)

시험 잘 봤어? 난 벼락치기로 공부하느라고 밤을 꼬박 새웠어.
Did you do well on the exam? I stayed up all night cramming for the exams.
그럭저럭 봤어. 근데 오늘이 오빠 생일이라 아침에 미역국을 먹었더니 약간 찜찜해.
It was fine. But I feel a bit uncomfortable because I ate seaweed soup for my brother's birthday this morning.
아, 한국에서는 시험 날 미역국을 먹으면 시험에 떨어질 거라고 생각한다지?
Oh, in Korea, people think they would fail the test if they eat seaweed soup on that day, right?
응, 그래서 시험에 떨어지면 ‘미역국 먹었다’고 말하기도 해. 나 설마 시험에 떨어지는 건 아니겠지?
Yes, so we often say "I ate seaweed soup." if we fail the test. I'm not going to fail the test, will I?
말이 씨가 된다고 이럴 때일수록 말조심해야지. 그러다 정말 그 말대로 되면 어떡해?
People say one should be careful about what he wishes for, you should watch out for your words more carefully in such a situation. What if it really happens just like that?
알겠어. 어쨌든 시험이 끝나니까 후련하다.
Okay. I'm glad the exam is over anyway.

V/A+ 는다고/ㄴ다고/다고(인용)
It is attached to the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb to use a maxim or a common saying as a reference before the speaker insists on his opinion and supports it. But the maxim or the common saying should end in descriptive form.

원숭이도 나무에서 떨어진다고 아무리 전문가라도 한 번쯤은 실수할 수 있어. 그러니까 너무 속상해하지 마.
Even Homer sometimes nods, so even an expert can make a mistake. So don't get so upset.

세 살적 버릇이 여든까지 간다고 아이의 나쁜 버릇은 빨리 고쳐 줘야 한다.

What is learned in the cradle is carried to the tomb, so a child's bad habits should be corrected quickly.

가는 말이 고와야 오는 말도 곱다고 네가 먼저 말을 예쁘게 해야 상대방도 기분 좋은 말을 해 주지.
Nice words for nice words, so you have to make your words pretty so the others can say something nice, too.

Related words
벼락치기 cramming
꼬박 all the time
찜찜하다 to feel a bit uncomfortable
말이 씨가 된다 one should be careful about what he wishes for
말조심 watching out words/speech
후련하다 to be glad, feel better

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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