Guide to Korea Immigration & Integration Program (KIIP)

1. What is the Korea Immigration & Integration Program (KIIP)

Education programs are developed to help immigrants acquire basic knowledge and information about life in Korea(Korean language and culture, understanding of Korean society, etc.)

2. Eligible Participants

Foreign residents and naturalized Koreans who hold an alien registration card or domestic residence card
- Note: naturalized Koreans who acquired Korean nationality over 3 years ago can take the level test and audit classes after gaining approval from the head of the immigration office

- Foreign national Koreans applying for permanent residency (F57) must complete the 'KIIP level 5 basic course 

3. Benefits 

3.1 When changing the status of sojourn (ex. permanent residency) and applying for a visa: Exemption from proving Korean fluency and investigating the actual situation, granting additional points
- Additional points (maximum 26 points) will be given to professionals changing resident qualifications (F-2) by a point system
- Exempt from proving Korean language proficiency when changing regular permanent residence
qualification (F-5)

- Exempt from proving Korean language proficiency when changing permanent residence qualification
(F-5) of citizen's spouse and minors
- Exempt from Korean language proficiency when changing specific activities (E-7)
- Exempt from Korean language proficiency when changing long-term stay foreigners' residence
qualification (F-2)

3.2 When applying for naturalization (only applied to those who completed the intensive course)
- Approves passing the Comprehensive Evaluation for Naturalization (for naturalization applicants)
- Exemption from naturalization interview
- Reduced waiting time for naturalization evaluation

Starting From March 1st, 2018, according to the Enforcement Decree and Enforcement Rule of the Nationality Act revised on August 29th, 2017
① The KIIP Comprehensive Evaluation for Naturalization replaces the naturalization written test,
② Only those who pass the Comprehensive Evaluation for Naturalization after completing the KIIP intensive course will be exempted from the naturalization interview (revised) 
• No written test for naturalization, interview test exemption, reduction of waiting period for screening
of nationality acquisition
• Additional points (maximum 26 points) will be given to professionals changing resident qualifications
(F-2) by point system
• Exempt from proving Korean language proficiency when changing regular permanent residence
qualification (F-5)

4.  Detailed Map of the Social Integration Program

5.  How to join the KIIP program:

① Sign up account 
→ ② Apply to participate in the KIIP program
→ ③ Apply for the level test on the (Pre - Evaluation)
(If you select "NO" for the level test, you will automatically be assigned level 0)
→ ④ Check test location on 'My Page' at 3 days before the level test 
→ ⑤ Take the level test at the designated date and location 
→ ⑦ Level is assigned according to the  test result 
→ ⑧ Register for classes (enroll in classes) at at an assigned level (first come, first served basis) during the registration period

How to sign up for an account, participate in the KIIP program, register for the level test, and enroll in classes: Click here for details 

6. 2024 Test level (Pre - Evaluation) Schedule:

* Applicants can apply for the "KIIP" and "level test" only during the registration period

7.  Level Assigned in Association with TOPIK (“Associated Evaluation”): Level Test Exempted

Required Documents and Registration:

- Required Documents:
Alien Registration Card or passport, application form for KIIP associated evaluation, TOPIK certificate- Location for registration: Immigration and Integration Center of Immigration Office that has jurisdiction over the place of your stay, and education centers nationwide.
* Applicants living in Seoul, Seoul Nambu, Sejong-ro (regardless of jurisdiction) can only register at the Seoul
Immigration Office Immigration and Integration Center (7th floor)
* TOPIK Certificate: should have application number, and valid date (certificate is printable from
* In principle, the applicant should register firsthand. If someone else (substitute) submits for the applicant, he/she
should bring an
authorization letter (custom format) and identification (ID) of the applicant and substitute* If you did not sign up as a member on Socinet, please first sign up to submit the application form

1. How to sign up for an account, participate in the KIIP program, and register for the level test of the KIIP program: Click here
2. How to register for KIIP class: Click here

3. KIIP Textbooks: Click here to download
4. To support you in learning the KIIP book more easily, Say Hi Korean translated it all into English. You can click on the links below:
- KIIP Level 2: Click here
- KIIP Level 3: Click here
- KIIP Level 4: Click here
- Level 2:
- Level 3:
- Level 4:

5. Sample tests:

- Like my Facebook to get free Korean lessons:

>> For more details, you can call phone number 1345 to be supported (English is available)

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1 comment:

  1. very very useful blog for all foreigners, as an marriage migrant do I need to take a part in KIIP program before applying Korean nationality ?
