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한국에서는 태어나자마자 다 한 살이라던데 사실이야?
Is it true that everyone is one year old from the time they are born in Korea?
응, 엄마 뱃속에 있었던 기간도 나이로 포함하는 거지.
Yes, we also include the time we were in mom's womb.
다른 나라들은 태어나서 일 년이 지나야 한 살인데.
In other countries, you are one year old only after you are born.
한국도 행정적으로는 만 나이를 사용하지만 일상적으로는 한국 나이를 사용해.
We also use age in full administratively but use Korean age during daily life.
두 방법을 모두 쓰는 건 좀 혼란스럽지 않아?
Isn't it a little confusing to use both methods?
그렇지 않아도 그런 의견들 때문에 한국 나이말고 만 나이만 사용하자는 사람들도 많아.
For that reason, many people argue that we should only use age in full instead of Korean age.

It is attached to a noun to suggest or to ask the following clause while mentioning what the speaker has heard in the past. It's an abbreviated form of '이라고/라고 하던데'.

내일이 유양 씨 생일이라던데 내일 오후에 생일 파티를 하는 게 어때?
I heard it's Yooyang's birthday tomorrow. How about having a birthday party tomorrow afternoon?

진수 씨가 다음 주부터 휴가라던데 같이 여행이나 가자고 할까?
I heard Jinsu it's on a vacation next week. Why don't we ask him to go on a trip together?

우리 옆집에 사는 아저씨가 배우라던데 정말이야?
Is it true that the man next door is an actor?

Related words
포함 inclusion
행정적 administrative
만 나이 age in full, international age(The direct translation of '만 나이' is 'age in full'. People use the term 'international age' because only Koreans count as one year old as soon as they are born.)
혼란스럽다 to be confusing

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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