N만 V/A+지

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이 레스토랑은 스파게티가 아주 맛있어요. 빵도 맛있고요.
This restaurant has very delicious spaghetti. The bread tastes good, too.
여긴 빵을 많이 주는데 먹으면 추가로 얼마를 더 내야 해요?
You offer lots of bread here. How much more do I have to pay if I eat them?
빵 값은 별도로 받지 않아요.
We don't charge extra for bread.
정말요? 제 고향에서는 테이블에 놓고 가는 빵을 먹으면 값을 따로 내야 해요.
Really? You have to pay separately for the bread offered on the table in my hometown.
한국에서는 먹고 싶으면 더 달라고 하면 돼요. 물론 무료고요.
You can ask for more if you want to eat it. And it's free, of course.
한국의 서비스 문화는 아직 해외에 알려지지 않았 좋은 점이 많은 것 같아요.
I think there are many good things about Korean service culture, yet they are just unknown overseas.

N V/A+
It is attached to the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb to indicate that the speaker admits the antecedent clause but proposes a different opinion in the following clause.

가: 제임스 씨는 공부를 잘하지요?
James is good at studying, isn't he?
나: 공부 잘하 운동은 잘 못하는 것 같아요.
I think he is, but he isn't good at working out.

가: 가방이 참 예뻐요.
Your bag is so pretty.
나: 디자인 예쁘 실용적이지 않아요.
It is pretty, but it's not practical.

가: 와! 이 식당에는 음식 종류가 참 많아요.
Wow! They have various kinds of food in this restaurant.
나: 음식 종류 먹을 게 없어요.
It's varied, but there's nothing to eat.

Related words
추가 addition
별도 extra
물론 of course
실용적 practical

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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