V/A+ 는/은/ㄴ 면이 있다

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진수 씨는 회식이 갑자기 잡혀서 오늘 모임에 못 온대.
Jinsu said he can't come to today's meeting because he had to promise he will join a staff dinner all of a sudden.
우리 모임이 선약 아니에요?
Isn't our meeting engaged earlier?
부서원들이 모두 가는 회식이어서 말을 못 했나 봐.
He couldn't have refused because all the department staff are going to the dinner.
왜 말을 못 해요? 팀원들이 모두 회식에 간다고 해도 선약이 있다고 말하고 우리 모임에 왔어야지요.
Why couldn’t he? He should have said he had a previous engagement even if all the staff are going.
한국인은 집단주의적인 경향이 있어서 단체 모임에서 혼자 빠지는 걸 꺼리는 면이 있어.
Koreans tend to be collectivistic and they are reluctant not to go to a group gathering alone.
아, 그래서 부서원들이 저에게 개인주의적이라고 말을 했나 봐요. 전 단체 활동에 모두 참여하지는 않거든요.
Oh, that must be why department members told me I was individualistic. I don't participate in all group gatherings.

V/A+ 는/은/ㄴ 면이 있다
It is attached to the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb to specifically indicate one of the various aspects that a subject has.

서로 다른 이야기인 것 같지만 서로 통하는 면이 있다.
It seems to be a different story, but they share something in common.

그 친구는 좀 소심한 면이 있어.
He is a bit timid.

우리 남편은 막내라서 그런지 어린아이 같은 면이 있습니다.
My husband is a bit childish, probably because he is the youngest of the family.

Related words
(약속이) 잡히다 have to promise (an appointment)
부서원 department staff
집단주의적 collectivistic
경향 tendency
(모임에) 빠지다 to miss (group gatherings)
꺼리다 to be reluctant to
(측면) 면 side

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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