[Korean grammar] -거니와 Expressing Addition and Inclusion

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가: 어제 하승기 씨가 주연하는 새 드라마 봤어요? 어땠어요?
Did you watch the new drama starring Ha Seunggi yesterday? How was it?

나: 기대 이상이 었어요. 내용도 참신했거니와 배우들의 연기도 아주 좋았어요.
It was better than expected. Not only did it have an original story, but the acting was also very good.

가: 그래요? 그렇게 극찬을 하니까 저도 보고 싶어지는데요.
Really? Since you praise it so highly, now I really want to see it, too.

나: 오늘 2회를 하니까 놓치지 말고 보세요. 액션 연기도 일품이거니와 남자들의 우정과 의리에 대한 이야기도 나오니까 여양 씨도 분명히 좋아할 거예요.
Today, they will broadcast episode 2, so don’t miss it. Not only is the acting in the action scenes excellent, but the story also includes friendship and loyalty among men, so I think you'll definitely like it, Yeoyang.

This expression is used when acknowledging the statement in the preceding clause but at the same time adding the statement in the following clause. It is also used in the form 도 -거니와. Note that when the preceding clause contains a positive statement, then the following clause must also be positive, and when the preceding clause contains a negative statement, then the following clause must also be negative.

• 작가가 되려면 글을 잘 써야 하겠거니와 시대를 읽는 능력도 있어야 해요.
If you want to become an author, then not only do you have to write well, but you also have to have the ability to understand the time that we live in.

• 성호는 공부도 잘하거니와 운동도 잘해서 친구들에게 인기가 많아요.
Not only does Sungho study well, but he also does well in sports, and that’s why he’s popular with his friends.

• 오늘은 날씨도 맑거니와 바람도 따뜻해서 산책하기에 좋아요.
Not only is the weather nice today, but there’s also a nice breeze, which is great for a walk.

Neither the imperative nor propositive forms can be used in the following clause.
• 일도 열심히 하거니와 운동도 열심히 하세요. (X)
—> 일도 열심히 하거니와 운동도 열심히 합니다. (〇)
—> 일도 열심히 하 운동도 열심히 하세요. (〇)

>> You can click on the title of each grammar below to see other grammars which also express 'Addition and Inclusion'
1. - 거니와
2. -기는커녕
3. -(으)ㄹ뿐더러
4. -되
5. 마저
6. -을/를 비롯해서

>> Full of 'Korean grammar in use - Advanced': Click here
>> Full of 'Korean grammar in use - Intermediate': Click here

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