[Korean grammar] 을/를 비롯해서 Expressing Addition and Inclusion

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가: 근일 계속되는 눈으로 인해 집에만 계셨던 분들도 모처럼 따뜻한 날씨에 나들이를 생각하실 텐데요. 이 시각 도로 상황 알아보겠습니다. 박태민 기자.
Everyone who has been staying at home due to the recent continuous snow must be thinking of going out to enjoy the warm weather. Let’s check on the current road conditions. Reporter Park Taemin.

나: 네, 박태민 기자입니다. 휴일을 맞아 고속도로를 비롯해서 전국의 도로에는 나들이 차량들이 줄을 잇고 있습니다.
Yes, this is Reporter Park Taemin. Beginning with the freeways, roads throughout the country are lined with cars full of people hoping to go on vacation during the holiday.

가: 그런데 강원도 영동 지방에는 아직도 눈이 내리고 있다지요?
By the way, isn’t it still snowing in the Gangwon Yeongdong area?

나: 네, 따뜻해진 중서부 지방과는 달리 눈이 너무 많이 쏟아져 대관령을 비롯해서 영동 산간 지방 도로의 교통이 통제되고 있습니다.
Yes, unlike the central western areas of the country, which have now warmed up, there is still a great amount of snow falling in the area, so beginning with the Daegwallyeong area and extending throughout the Yeongdong mountainous areas, the traffic on the roads is still being controlled.
* Daegwallyeong: Famous mountain pass in Gangwon Province.
* Yeongdong Region: The area east of Daegwallyeong in Gangwon Provice. The area west of Daegwallyeong is called the 'Yoengseo Region’. 

This expression is used to indicate that the preceding noun is the first of a series that includes the nouns listed in the following clause. In most cases, the nouns that appear in the following clause represent the same general category as the noun in the preceding clause. It is mainly used in the form 을/를 비롯해 or 을/를 비롯하여, and is used mainly in formal situations or in written language such as newspaper and academic writing.

• 설날이 되면 할아버지를 비롯해서 온 집안 식구들이 모두 큰집에 모인다.
On Lunar New Year's Day, all of our family, starting with our grandfather, meets together at my eldest uncle’s house.

• 시우는 가정 문제를 비롯해 자신이 처한 여러 가지 어려운 문제를 상담해 오곤 했다.
Siwoo used to discuss all of the difficult issues he had been facing, starting with his problems at home, with me.

• 뉴스에 의하면 서울을 비롯해서 대도시의 환경 오염 상황이 이미 위험 수위를 넘어섰다고 한다.
According to the news, the levels of environmental pollution in major cities, including Seoul, have already exceeded dangerous levels.

1. When this expression is used to modify the noun immediately following it, the form 을/를 비롯한 is used.
• 회의에서는 쓰레기 재활용 방안을 비롯한 여러 안건들이 제시되었다.
• 물가 상승으로 인해 우편 요금을 비롯한 공공요금이 오른다고 한다.

2. This expression can be used to list a number of nouns of the same category in the following clause. In this case, however, the form 을/를 비롯한 cannot be used.
불고기를 비롯해서 비빔밥, 잡채와 같은 음식은 외국인에게도 인기 있는 한국 음식이다.
• 용산에 가면 TV를 비롯해 냉장고, 전자레 인지 등 각종 전자제품을 싸게 살 수 있다.

>> You can click on the title of each grammar below to see other grammars which also express 'Addition and Inclusion'
1. - 거니와
2. -기는커녕
3. -(으)ㄹ뿐더러
4. -되
5. 마저
6. -을/를 비롯해서

>> Full of 'Korean grammar in use - Advanced': Click here
>> Full of 'Korean grammar in use - Intermediate': Click here

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