[Korean grammar] -되 Expressing Addition and Inclusion

가: 엄마, 저 숙제 다 했는데 잠깐 나가서 놀다 와도 돼요?
Mom, I’ve done all my homework, so can I go outside and play for a while?

나: 그래, 나가서 놀 저녁 먹기 전까지는 들어와.
Yeah, it’s okay to go out and play, but come back before we eat dinner.

가: 네. 아 참, 준호네 할아버지가 시골에서 과수원을 하신대요. 친구들이 이번 방학에 여행도 할 겸 도와 드리러 가자고 하는데 갔다 와도 돼요? 친구들은 다 간대요.
Okay. By the way, Junho said that his grandfather has run a fruit orchard in the countryside. Some of my friends are talking about taking a trip this coming vacation and also helping him out at the orchard, so is it okay if I go with them? All of my friends said they are going.

나: 그래? 그럼 방학에 여행을 가기는 가 엄마 걱정 안 하게 자주 전화해야 한다.
Really? Well, then it’s okay if you go on a trip during the vacation, but you have to call me often so that I don’t get worried about you.

This expression indicates that the speaker acknowledges or accepts the content in the preceding clause but that there is a condition or additional explanation in the following clause. Often, the following clause will include imperative forms or related forms such as -아야/어야 한다 and -(으)면 안 된다.

• 천연자원을 최대한으로 이용하 생태계를 파괴해서는 안 된다.
It is okay to use natural resources as much as possible, but we must not destroy the ecosystem.
• 이야기를 중분히 나누어서 의견을 수렴하 원칙은 지키도록 하세요.
You are permitted to gather opinions from as much discussion as necessary, but you must still follow the basic principles.
• 이 방에 있는 책은 마음대로 읽으시 읽고 다시 제자리 에 꽂아 놓아야 합니다.
You may read as many of the books in this room as you like, but you must always return them to their original places after you read them.

1. This expression can also be used in the forms -기는 -되 and -기는 하되.
• 천연자원을 최대한으로 이용하기는 이용하 생태계를 파괴해서는 안 된다.
• 이야기를 충분히 나누어서 의견을 수렴하기는 원칙은 지키도록 하세요.

2. The form -으되 is used after endings expressing tense, such as -았/었 and -겠 as well as after 있다/없다.
•그분은 이미 떠났으되 그분의 영향력은 아직도 남아 있다.
• 그 사람을 만나러 가기는 가겠으되 오래 있지는 못할 거야.

3. This expression is also used when the contents of the preceding clause and the following clause are in contrast.
• 그 사람은 말은 잘하되 실천하지는 않는다.
That person speaks well, but he doesn’t put his words into action.
• 이웃집 남자는 돈은 많이 있으되 시간이 없어서 돈을 쓸 수 없다고 한다.
The man next door says he has a lot of money but that he doesn’t have enough time to spend it.

>> You can click on the title of each grammar below to see other grammars which also express 'Addition and Inclusion'
1. - 거니와
2. -기는커녕
3. -(으)ㄹ뿐더러
4. -되
5. 마저
6. -을/를 비롯해서

>> Full of 'Korean grammar in use - Advanced': Click here
>> Full of 'Korean grammar in use - Intermediate': Click here

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