[Korean grammar] 만 해도 Expressing Additional Information

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가: 요즘 모임이 많은가 봐요.
These days, you seem to have a lot of meetings.
나: 네, 연말이라서 좀 많네요. 오늘만 해도 모임이 세 개나 있어서 어떻게 해야 할지 모르겠어요.
Yes, there are a lot because it’s the end of the year. Just today alone (without having to consider any other days) I have three meetings, so I really don't know what to do.

가: 여름 방학에 유럽으로 배낭여행을 가는 학생들이 많다고 들었어요.
Regarding going backpacking to Europe during summer vacation, I heard a lot of students do that.
나: 네, 맞아요. 제 친구들만 해도 벌써 여러 명이 다녀왔어요.
Yes, you’re right. Even just among my friends (without having to consider anyone else), many have done so.

This expression is used when providing examples to explain a situation or statement made previously. It is equivalent in meaning to the phrases 의 경우만 봐도 and 만 하더라도.

• 민선 씨가 요즘 정말 열심히 공부하는 것 같아요. 어제만 해도 밤 10시까지 도서관에서 공부 더라고요.
It looks like Minseon is really studying hard these days. Yesterday alone (without having to consider any other days) she studied until 10 at night at the library.

• 요즘은 취직하기가 어려워요. 제 동생만 해도 2년째 직장을 못 구하고 있거든요.
It’s hard to find a job these days. Even my sister without the need to consider anyone else hasn't been able to land a job for two years now.

• 생활비가 얼마나 많이 드는지 몰라요. 교통비만 해도 한 달에 15만 원 정도가 들어요.
The cost of living is so expensive. My transportation expenses alone (without the need to consider anything else) cost about 150,000 won a month.

This expression can also be used to express a situation that is opposite to what was the case in the past. In such cases, a time word is often followed by 전만 해도 an alternate form of this expression.
지난달까지만 해도 이 옷이 맞았었는데 지금은 작아서 입을 수가 없어요.
Only last month (without the need to go back further in time), these clothes fit me, but now they're so small I can’t wear them.

10년 전만 해도 한국에 이렇게 외국 사람이 많지는 않았어요.
Only 10 years ago (without the need to go back further in time), there weren’t this many foreigners in Korea.

>> You can click on the title of each grammar below to learn about the other grammars which also express 'Additional Information':
01 -(으)ㄹ 뿐만 아니라 
02 -(으)ㄴ/는 데다가
03 조차  
04 만 해도

>> Full of Intermediate grammars: Click here 

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