V+다 보면 V/A+ 을/ㄹ 수도 있다

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있잖아. 우리 아이도 홈스쿨링(home-schooling)시킬까?
How about, shall we also do home-schooling for our kid?
학교에 보내는 대신에 부모가 집에서 아이를 가르치는 거 말이야?
Are you talking about parents teaching their kids at home instead of sending them to school?
응, 획일적인 교육에서 벗어나서 아이의 특성에 맞게 직접 가르칠 수 있어서 좋을 것 같아.
Yes. I think it would be better since we can get away from a uniform education and teach him according to his characteristics.
난 우리가 교육 전문가가 아니어서 학습 효과가 떨어질 것 같은데.
I think his learning effect will fall because we are not education experts.
좀 천천히 배우더라도 스스로 사고하고 학습할 수 있는 능력을 기를 수 있을 거야.
He might learn slowly but will learn to think and study independently.
그렇지만 혼자만 있다 보면 단체 생활하기가 어려워질 수도 있어. 또래들과 어울리는 법도 배워야지.
But if he stays without friends, it can be hard to live in a group. He should learn how to get along with friends, too.

V+다 보면 V/A+ 을/ㄹ 수도 있다
It is attached to the stem of an action verb when it is possible that if one keeps doing a behavior a new fact arises or the situation can change as a result. It's a combination of '-다(가) 보면' which means progress and '-을/ㄹ 수도 있다' which is used to tell the possibility.

익숙하지 않은 음식도 날마다 먹다 보면 적응이 될 수도 있어요.
Even the food you are unfamiliar with, you might get used to it if you eat it every day.

유학 생활을 하다가 보면 고향 음식이 그리워질 수도 있어요.
Sometimes when you study abroad, you might miss your home food.

첫인상은 좀 안 좋아도 여러 번 만나다 보면 그 사람의 좋은 점을 알게 될 수도 있어.
His first impression may be a bit bad, but if you meet him many times, you may find out what's good about him.

Related words
있잖아. how about
It is to bring up the subject.
획일적 uniform
벗어나다 to get away from
특성 characteristics
사고 think
또래 same age group, friends

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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