무조건 V+ 고 보다

내가 가르치는 그 학생 알지? 공부에 흥미도 없는데 대학에 가겠대.
Do you remember the student that I teach? He's not interested in studying and he's going to college.
어디 걔만 그러겠어? 한국은 대학 진학률이 65%가 넘는데.
I think he isn't the only one doing so. Korea has over 65% of the college entrance rate.
와, 그렇게 높아? 학력이 높아야 취직이나 결혼할 때 유리하다고 생각해서 그런가?
Wow, that much? Is it because they think a high degree of education gives one an advantage in getting a job or getting married?
그것도 그렇지만 무조건 대학에 진학하고 보는 사회 분위기 때문에 진학률이 높아졌어.
That's a reason, but the entrance rate got higher because of the social atmosphere of going to college without being thoughtful.
그렇구나. 이렇게 고학력 사회가 되면 문제점도 많을 텐데.
I see. But there must be many problems in a highly educated society like this.
맞아. 대졸자들의 눈높이에 맞는 양질의 일자리에는 한계가 있으니 청년 실업 문제가 심각해지지.
You're right. High-quality jobs that match the eye levels of college graduates are limited, so the unemployment problem for young people gets serious.

무조건 V+ 고 보다
It is attached to the stem of an action verb when you don't think carefully about the procedure or the result of behavior but just behave so.

네가 저 연예인을 잘 몰라도 무조건 사인을 받고 봐야 해. 엄청 유명한 아이돌 가수거든.

Even if you don't know that celebrity well, you have to get his autograph anyway. He's a very famous idol singer.

이 화장품은 전국 모든 매장에서 품절을 기록한 인기 상품이어서 재고가 있을 때 무조건고 봐야 해요.
This cosmetics is a popular item that has been sold out in all stores across the country, so you have to buy them when they have them in stock.

유행이라고 하면 자기에게 어울리지도 않는데 무조건 따라하고 보는 사람들이 있어요.
There are people who just follow as others do if something becomes popular.

Related words
진학 enter school, go on to school
학력 degree of education
대졸자 college graduate
눈높이 eye level
양질 high/good quality
한계 limitation
실업 unemployment

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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