N에 달려 있다

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그 뉴스 봤어요? 명문대 입시 설명회에 학부모들이 대거 몰려드는 바람에 발 디딜 틈이 없었대요.
Did you see the news? A presentation on the entrance examination to a prestigious university was flocked with parents that there was no place to stand on one's feet.
저도 봤어요. 심지어 초등학생 자녀를 둔 부모들까지 참석했다면서요?
I saw the news, too. I heard even parents with elementary school children were there.
네, 그런 걸 보면 한국은 교육열이 정말 높은 것 같아요.
Yes. Based on that, I think Korea has a high passion for education.
맞아요. 치열한 입시 경쟁에서 살아남으려면 어렸을 때부터 대비해야 한다고 생각하는 거죠.
That's right. They believe that to survive the fierce competition, one has to start preparing from an early age.
당사자인 자녀들보다 부모들이 더 적극적이네요.
Parents are more active than their children, those who are directly involved.
입시의 성패는 엄마의 정보력에 달려 있다는 말도 있잖아요.
Some say that the success and failure of the college entrance exam depend on the mother's information strength.

N에 달려 있다
It is attached to a noun to mean a certain event or situation depending on the noun. It is usually used with the postposition '은/는' which exposes the topic.

행복은 마음가짐에 달려 있어요.
Happiness depends on your mindset.

한국 음식의 맛은 장맛에 달려 있어요.
The taste of Korean food depends on the taste of soy sauce.

국가의 미래는 젊은 세대에 달려 있어요.
The future of the country depends on the younger generation.

Related words
대거 in large numbers
몰려들다 to flock
발 디딜 틈이 없다 to be no place to stand on one's feet. (It is too crowded that there is not even a place to step on one's foot.)
교육열 passion for education
치열하다 to be fierce
당사자 the party concerned
성패 success and failure
정보력 information strength

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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