V/A+ 길래 Indicate the antecedent clause is the cause or reason for the following clause

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지난주에 재테크에 대한 강의를 한다길래 듣고 왔는데 사람들이 정말 많더라고요.
I've been to a lecture about investment techniques last week, and there were so many people.
저는 그런 얘기를 들을 때마다 다른 사람들보다 뒤처지고 있다는 생각이 들어요.
I feel like I'm lagging behind every time I hear such talk.
왜요? 대기업에 다니고 계시고 연봉도 높은데 왜 그런 생각을 하세요?
Why is that? Why do you think so when you are working in a major company with a high salary?
하지만 언제 퇴직을 할지 모르기 때문에 늘 걱정을 하게 돼요.
But I'm always worried because I cannot know when I'm going to retire.
하긴 요즘은 재테크에 관심을 갖지 않으면 돈을 모으기 힘들지요?
Well it's hard to raise money unless you are interested in finance, right?
네, 맞아요. 월급만 가지고 생활하면서 어떻게 노후를 대비해요.
Yes, you're right. It's not possible to prepare for your old age while you just live on a salary.

V/A+ 길래
It is attached to the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb to indicate the antecedent clause is the cause or reason for the following clause. It is used when the speaker recognizes a certain fact and that becomes the reason why he does the behavior of the following clause. It's the colloquial form of '-기에'.

마트에 갔는데 사과가 아주 싸길래 많이 샀어요.
I went to the mart and bought a lot of apples because they were very cheap.

버스를 타고 오는데 길이 너무 막히길래 내려서 지하철을 탔어요.
I got off and took the subway because the traffic was so bad while I was on a bus.

영화가 너무 재미없길래 보다가 중간에 나왔어요.
I came out in the middle because the movie was so boring.

Related words
재테크 investment technique
뒤처지다 to lag behind
대기업 a major company
퇴직 retirement
노후 old age
대비 preparation

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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