N도 VA+ 거니와

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요즘 주식 투자하는 사람들이 정말 많더라고요.
These days there are a lot of people invest in stocks.
은행 금리거니와 부동산 가격은 너무 비싸서 주식 투자로 몰리는 것 같아요.
It seems like many people are driven to stock investment due to low bank interest rates and high real estate prices.
제 친구는 1년 치 연봉으로 모두 주식을 샀대요. 폭락이라도 하면 어떻게 하려고....
My friend said he used up a year's salary to buy stock. What would he do if the stock crashed?
그렇게 되면 큰 손해를 볼 수도 있지만 요즘은 주가가 상승하고 있어서 괜찮을 것 같아요.
He might suffer a huge loss, but I think it would be fine because stock prices are rising these days.
그럼, 저도 해 볼까요? 월급만으로 언제 돈을 모아요?
Well, shall I then? It's hard to save money just on my salary.
주식으로 돈을 벌 수도 있어요. 하지만 신중하게 생각하고 결정하세요.
You can also make money on stocks. But think carefully before you make up your mind.

N V/A+ 거니와
It is attached to the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb to add the content of the following clause to the antecedent clause while the speaker admits what is said in the antecedent clause for granted.

리에 씨는 공부 잘하거니와 마음도 착해요.
Rie is good at studying and also has a good heart.

시험 끝났거니와 축제기간이어서 도서관에 학생들이 없어요.
There is no student in the library because the exam is over and also because it's the festival period.

제 동생은 성격거니와 얼굴도 잘생겨서 인기가 많아요.
My younger brother is popular because he has a good personality and also because he is handsome.

Related words
주식 stock
투자 investment
금리 interest rate
몰리다 to be driven (to)
폭락 crash, collapse
손해를 보다 to suffer a loss
주가 stock price
상승 increase, rise
신중하다 to be careful

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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