V+ 어야/아야/여야 할 것 같다

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어제 남자 친구한테서 다음 주에 외출을 나올 수 있다고 면회 오라는 전화가 왔어.
My boyfriend called me yesterday to visit him because he can go out next week.
맞다. 네 남자 친구가 군대에 간 지 세 달쯤 되었지?
Right. It's been three months since your boyfriend joined the army, hasn't he?
응, 이제 이병이야. 근데 면회 갈 때 뭘 준비해야 해?
Yes, he is a private now. By the way, what do I have to prepare for the visit?
넌 외국인이니까 부대에 사전 허락을 받아야 할 것 같아. 그리고 여권은 꼭 챙겨야 해.
I suppose you should get prior permission from the troops since you're a foreigner.
그건 남자 친구에게 다시 확인해 봐야겠다. 맛있는 도시락을 만들어 갈까?
I'll have to check that out with my boyfriend again. How about making a delicious lunch box?
그것도 좋은데 외출을 나가면 밖에서 사 먹을 수도 있으니까 남자 친구한테 미리 물어보고 준비해.
That sounds good, but you can eat out if you go out, so ask your boyfriend in advance before you get ready.

V+ 어야/아야/여야 할 것 같다
It is attached to the stem of an action verb to speak mildly while guessing that the behavior is necessary to get to a situation or an event. It is a combined form of '-어야/아야/여야/하다' which means duty and '-을/ㄹ 것 같다' that means assumption.

If the stem of an action verb ends with 'ㅏ, ㅗ', you should use '-아야 할 것 같다'. When it ends with another consonant(ㅓ, ㅜ, ㅡ, ㅣ), you use '-어야 할 것 같다'. You should use '-여야(해야) 할 것 같다' if it ends with '하-'.

다이어트에 성공하려면 지금보다 먹는 양을 좀 줄여야 할 것 같아요.
I think I need to reduce the amount of food I eat to succeed in my diet.

비행기를 놓치지 않으려면 공항에 2시간 전에는 가야 할 것 같아.
I think you will have to go to the airport two hours ahead to not to miss the flight.

이번 시험이 어렵다고 하니까 공부를 더 열심히 해야 할 것 같아요.
I think you will have to study harder since the exam is going to be difficult.

Related words
면회 visit
이병 private
부대 troop
사전 prior
허락 permission
도시락 lunch box

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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