N이자 N Indicate that two entitlements exist at the same time on one subject

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저기 제복 입은 학생들은 누구야?
Who are those students in uniform over there?
학군단이야. 학교에 다니면서 군 복무를 같이하는 거야.
They are ROTC. They serve in the army while attending school.
그럼 군인이 우리 학교에 다니는 거야?
So the soldiers go to our school?
군인이자 학생이지. 수업도 듣고 군사 훈련도 받아.
They are soldiers and students. They take lessons and also military training.
너도 학군단에 지원할 거야?
Are you going to apply for ROTC, too?
아니, 학군단은 학교를 졸업하고 장교로 또 의무 복무를 해야 해. 난 현역으로 입대해서 짧고 굵게 할래.
No, ROTC has to serve as an officer again after graduation. I want to join the active service to serve short but deep.

N이자 N
It is attached to a noun to indicate that two entitlements exist at the same time on one subject.

그는 가수이자 배우로 활동 중이다.
He is working as a singer and actor.

저는 앞으로 감독이자 선수로 팀에 보탬이 되고 싶습니다.
I want to be a coach and a player for the team.

여보, 지난 30년간 훌륭한 엄마이자 좋은 아내로 내 곁에 있어 줘서 고마워.
Honey, thank you for staying with me as a good mother and good wife for the last 30 years.

Related words
제복 uniform
학군단 ROTC
군 army
복무 service
군사 military
장교 officer
의무 duty
현역 active service

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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