N은/는 무슨… Slightly refute what the other person just said

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진수야, 입대하는 거 축하해.
Jinsu, congratulations on joining the army.
축하는 무슨.... 너는 군대에 안 가도 되지?
It's not something to celebrate…. You don't have to join the army, do you?
그렇지. 그런데 나 졸업하고 고향에 가서 지원하려고 해.
Yes, but I'm planning to apply for it in my hometown after graduation.
안 가도 되는 군대를 왜 가려고 해?
Why would you want to go to the army when you don't have to?
학자금 대출이 많기도 하고 제대하면 공공기관에 취업할 때도 유리해서. 군인을 대우해 주는 사회 분위기도 있고.
I have a lot of student loans, and being discharged is advantageous to get a job at a public institution. Also, there is a social atmosphere that treats soldiers.
그렇구나. 그 정도면 사람들이 군대에 많이 가고 싶어하겠다.
I see. That would be enough to make people want to join the army.

N은/는 무슨…
It is attached to a noun to slightly refute what the other person just said. an antecedent noun can be repeated after '무슨' or you can add a complementary explanation.

You should use '은' if the noun ends with a consonant. If it ends with a vowel, you use '는'.

가: 고생했다.
You did a great job.
나: 고생은 무슨…. 다 내가 좋아해서 한 일인데.
It wasn't that hard…. I did it because I liked it.

가: 이번 학기에도 장학금 받아?
Do you get a scholarship this semester, too?
나: 장학금은 무슨.... 학사경고나 안 받으면 다행이지.
A scholarship? I'm lucky if I don't get a bachelor's warning.

가: 그 사람 네 남자 친구지?
He is your boyfriend, isn't he?
나: 남자 친구는 무슨 남자 친구야? 이제 세 번 만났을 뿐인데.
 My boyfriend? We've only met three times.

Related words
학자금 educational expense
제대 discharge
공공기관 public institution
유리하다 to be advantageous
군인 soldier
대우 treatment
사회 society

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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