N에 비하면

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 요즘 어떠세요? 막달이 가까워지니까 많이 힘드시죠?

How are you these days? Since the last month is coming near, it's very difficult, right?
네, 지난달에 비하면 몸이 많이 무거워졌어요.
Yes, if I compare to last month, my body feels heavier.
임신 중에 체중이 느는 건 정상이지만 너무 급격하게 늘지 않도록 조심하세요.
It's normal to gain weight during pregnancy, however, be careful not to gain weight too rapidly.
네, 적당한 운동이 아기에게 좋다고 하셔서 가벼운 스트레칭도 하고 있어요.
Yes, I heard that moderate exercise is good for the baby so I am doing light stretching.
잘하고 계시네요. 철분제는 잘 드시고 계시죠?
You are doing well. You are eating your iron pills well, right?
거의 다 먹었어요. 한 통 더 처방해 주세요.
I almost ate it all. Please prescribe one more pack for me.

N에 비하면
As it is attached to a noun, it is used when he is comparing something to the others.

작년에 비하면 올해 물가가 많이 올랐어요.
Compared to last year, the price has gone up a lot this year.

10년 전에 비하면 도로가 아주 많이 복잡해졌어요.
Compared to 10 years ago, the road has become very complicated.

우리 아이는 나이에 비하면 키가 큰 편이다.
My child is tall compared to those his age.

Related words
막달 last month
체중 weight
급격하다 to be rapid
적당하다 to be moderate
철분제 iron pills
(약)통 (medication) one pack

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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