N과/와 달리

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 아기 낳은 거 축하해! 아기가 정말 귀엽구나.

Congratulations on having your baby! Your baby is really cute.
고마워, 산후조리원까지 와 준 것도 고맙고.
Thanks, for coming to the postpartum care center, too.
친구인데 당연히 와야지. 그런데 옷을 왜 이렇게 덥게 입었어?
You're my friend so I have to come. But why are you dressed so warmly?
한국에서는 산모들이 찬 바람, 찬 음식을 다 조심해야 한대.
In Korea, mothers need to be careful of both cold wind and cold foods.
산모들이 찬 것을 조심해야 하는 특별한 이유가 있어?
Is there a special reason why mothers need to be careful of cold things?
산후조리 중에는 다른 때와 달리 몸을 따뜻하게 해야 몸이 상하지 않는대.
During postpartum care, it is different from other times because you need to keep your body warm for it not to be bad for your body.

N과/와 달리
As it is attached to a noun, it is used when it indicates the following clause's behavior or situation that is different from the following clause.

'과 달리' is used when the noun ends with a consonant. '와 달리' is used when the noun ends with a vowel.

평소와 달리 표정이 어두운데 무슨 일이 있어요?
Unlike usual, your expression looks down, did something happen?

동생은 나와 달리 운동을 잘 하는 편이다.
Unlike me, my brother is good at sports.

예상과 달리 회의가 일찍 끝났다.
Unlike what is expected, the meeting ended early.

Related words
산후조리원 a postpartum care center
낳다 to give birth to
산모 mother
산후조리 postpartum care

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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