N으로/로 봐서는

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우리 아기 초음파 사진을 봐요. 정말 신기하지 않아요?
Look at our baby's ultrasonic photos. Isn't it truly amazing?
그러게요. 아직 태어나지도 않은 뱃속의 아기를 이렇게도 볼 수 있네요.
You're right. You can see the baby that's inside the womb even though they are not born.
여기 눈을 좀 봐요. 눈매가 나를 닮은 것 같아요.
Look at the eyes. The shape of his eyes looks like mine.
코는 오뚝한 게 나를 많이 닮은 것 같은데요.
The sharp nose looks like my nose.
초음파 사진으로 봐서는 손가락도 길고 예쁠 것 같아요.
From the look of the ultrasonic photos, the fingers seem like they will be long and pretty.
네, 우리 아기를 빨리 안아 보고 싶어요.
Yes, I want to hurry and hug my baby.

N으로/로 봐서는
As it is attached to a noun, it is used when it suggests that the evidence about the speaker is based upon his decision or standard.

'로 봐서는' is used when the noun ends with a vowel or with 'ㄹ'. Other than that, '으로 봐서는' is used when the noun ends with a consonant.

검사 결과로 봐서는 다음 주쯤 퇴원하셔도 됩니다.
From the look of the test results, it looks like you can discharge from the hospital next week.

사람들 표정으로 봐서는 영화가 재미없었던 것 같아요.
From the look of the people's expressions, it looked like the movie was not funny.

디자인으로 봐서는 이 물건이 더 비쌀 것 같아요.
From the look of the design, it looks like it will be more expensive.

Related words
뱃속 inside the womb
눈매 the shape of one's eyes
오뚝하다 sharp (one's nose)
손가락 fingers
안다 to hug

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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