N도 N이지만/지만

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 여보, 점심은 먹었어요? 아침에 아무것도 못 먹었잖아요.

Honey, did you eat lunch? You couldn't eat anything for breakfast either.
입덧 때문에 메스꺼워서 밥은 못 먹고 대신 영양제를 먹었어요.
Because of my morning sickness, I felt nauseous and I couldn't eat, so instead, I took nutritional supplements.
입덧이 심해서 어떡해요. 영양제 영양제지만 밥을 먹어야 기운이 날 텐데요.
What are you going to do because your morning sickness is so severe? Nutritional supplements are important, but you need to eat food in order to recover one's strength.
네, 아기를 생각해서 조금씩이라도 먹을게요.
Yes, I will think of the baby and try to eat little by little.
집에 들어갈 때 뭐 사다 줄까요? 먹고 싶은 거 있어요?
Should I buy you anything before I go home? Is there anything you want to eat?
괜찮아요. 엄마가 만들어 주신 고향 음식이 먹고 싶을 뿐이에요.
It's okay. I only want to eat the hometown food that my mother makes.

N도 N이지만/지만
As it is attached to the noun, it is used not only it indicates that the statement is related to each other but also there is the important thing. The same nouns can be repeated twice. '이지만' is used if the noun is ending with a consonant. '지만' is used if it is ending with a vowel.

이지만 시간이 너무 아깝다.
Money is important, but time is too wasteful.

이지만 끼니는 거르지 마세요.
A job is important, but do not skip meals.

공부 공부지만 사회성을 기르는 것도 중요해요.
Studying is important, but it is also important to grow socially.

Related words
입덧 morning sickness
메스껍다 to be nauseous
기운이 나다 to recover one's strength
조금씩 little by little

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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