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 어머니, 알려드릴 소식이 있는데요. 제가 임신을 했어요.

Mom, I have news to share. I am pregnant.
그게 정말이니? 축하한다! 병원에는 다녀왔니?
Is that really true? Congratulations! Did you go to the hospital?
네, 오늘 아침에 산부인과에 다녀왔는데 임신 3개월이래요.
Yes, I went to my obstetric and gynecology this morning and was told I'm 3 months pregnant.
한국에서 병원이 처음이었을텐데 많이 낯설었겠구나. 출산 예정일은 언제니?
It is probably the first hospital you went to in Korea so you might have been a little unfamiliar. When is the delivery due date?
아기는 내년 1월에 출산 예정이에요.
The baby's delivery due date is expected to be in January of next year.
내가 할머니가 된다니 생각만 해도 설레는구나.
To just think that I am becoming a grandmother, makes me feel excited.

As it is attached to a noun, it is used when he delivers the information which has already been known to a different person or the speaker has heard or read about the content. It is an abbreviation form of an indirect quotation, '이라고 해요'. '이래요' is used if the noun ends with a consonant, and '래요' is used if it ends with a vowel.

옆집에 사는 아저씨가 선생님이래요.
I heard that the man who lives next door is a teacher.

보고서 작성 기한이 다음주 월요일이래요.
I heard that the report's due date is next Monday.

알고 보니 그 두 사람이 서로 고등학교 친구 사이래요.
I found out that the two of them are high school friends.

Related words
임신 pregnancy
낯설다 to be unfamiliar
출산 예정일 delivery due date
출산 delivery/birth
설레다 to be excited

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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