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 아까부터 내비게이션에서 계속 경고음이 나오는데요.

There is a warning sound coming from the navigation since earlier.
지금 좀 과속하고 있는 거 아니에요? 속도를 좀 줄이세요.
Are you speeding right now? Please slow down a bit.
시속 95킬로미터로 달리고 있어요. 고속도로에서는 빠른 것 같지 않은데요.
The speed per hour is 95 kilometers an hour. It does not seem fast on the freeway.
제한 속도가 고속도로마다 좀 다른데 여기는 90킬로미터네요.
The speed limit is different for every freeway, it is 90 kilometers for here.
이렇게 도로가 넓은데 제한 속도가 90킬로미터라니요? 너무 낮은 거 아니에요?
The road is so wide but the speed limit is 90 kilometers? Is it not too low?
과속 운전을 하는 사람들이 많아서 사고를 방지하려고 그럴 거예요.
There are a lot of people speeding so it is probably to prevent accidents.

As it is attached to a noun, it is used when the surprise is sudden or is an exceptional situation that could not be believed from what he has heard from someone and wants to deny the situation.

'이라니요' is used if the noun ends with a consonant, and '라니요?' is used if it ends with a vowel.

가: 지금 들고 있는 핸드백은 가짜지요?
Is the handbag that you are carrying right now a fake?
나: 가짜라니요? 무슨 말씀을 그렇게 하세요?
A fake? How can you say that?

가: 이번에 승진한 사람이 바로 김대리님이래요.
The person who was promoted this time was assistant manager Kim.
나: 승진한 사람이 김대리님이라니요? 믿을 수 없군요.
The person who was promoted this time was assistant manager Kim? I can not believe it.

가: 여보, 이 집이 앞으로 우리가 살 집이에요.
Honey, this is the house we are going to live in.
나: 이렇게 큰 집이 우리집이라니요. 정말 꿈만 같아요.
This big house is going to be ours. It really seems like a dream.

Related words
내비게이션(Navigation) navigation
Devices or programs that help you drive a car by showing a map or looking for shortcuts.
경고음 warning sound
시속 speed per hour
과속 운전 speeding
방지 prevention

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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