V+ 는 김에

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 목적지까지 20킬로미터밖에 안 남았으니까 이제 곧 도착하겠어요.

I only have 20 kilometers to my destination so I will arrive soon.
저는 아침을 안 먹어서 배가 좀 고픈데 가는 길에 휴게소에 들를까요?
I did not eat breakfast so I am hungry. On the way should we stop at a rest area?
좋아요. 한국은 휴게소에서 보통 뭘 팔아요?
Sounds good. Usually, What does sell at the resting area?
호두과자, 가락국수, 핫도그 등 맛있는 것들이 정말 많아요.
There are a lot of delicious things like walnut cake, Korean noodles (vermicelli), hot dogs and etc.
와! 아까부터 호두과자가 먹고 싶었는데 잘됐어요.
Wow! That's good because I wanted to eat some walnut cake since earlier.
휴게소에 가는 김에 주유도 좀 해야겠어요.
Since we are going to the rest area, I will do some refueling also.

V+ 는 김에
As it is attached to an action verb's stem, it is used when he acts or does something which is unexpected or by using the situation of the preceding clause. '-은/ㄴ김에' is used when the situation is completed.

한국어를 공부하는 김에 한국 역사도 공부할 거예요.
As I am studying Korean, I will also study Korean history.

도서관에 가는 김에 제 책 좀 반납해 주세요.
As I am going to the library, also return my books, please.

등산화를 산 김에 등산복도 살까요?
As I buy some hiking boots, should I buy some hiking clothes as well?

Related words
목적지 destination
휴게소 rest area
호두과자 walnut cake
가락국수 Korean noodles (vermicelli)
핫도그 hot dogs
주유 refueling
기름 gasoline
등산화 hiking boots
등산복 hiking clothes

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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