V+ 을/ㄹ 걸 그랬다

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아까는 차가 막혀서 답답했는데 빨리 달리니까 살 것 같아요.
Earlier I was frustrated because the cars were blocked but I feel like I can live after driving fast.
그래도 안전을 위해서 차간 거리는 유지하세요.
Still, keep your distance between cars to be safe.
물론이지요. 한국에서 운전할 때 또 지켜야 할 것이 있어요?
Of course. Is there anything else I need to keep when driving in Korea?
차에 탄 모든 사람들이 안전벨트를 매야 해요.
Everyone in the car has to wear a seat (safety) belt.
사실 저번에 뒷자리에 앉아서 안전벨트를 안 맸는데 과태료 3만원을 냈어요.
Actually, I sat in the back seat last time and did not wear my seat (safety) belt, I paid 30,000 won as a fine.
그런 일이 있으셨어요? 제가 미리 말씀 드릴 걸 그랬네요.
Something like that happened? I should have told you in advance.

V+ 을/ㄹ 걸 그랬다
As it is attached to an action verb's stem, it is used when the speaker feels regretful or shameful about what he did not do or could not do about certain matters. Also, ' -지 말걸 그랬다' is used when the speaker feels regretful about what he has already done.

가: 이번 시험이 어려웠다면서요?
You said that this test was difficult?
나: 네, 시험 준비를 좀 더 일찍 시작할 걸 그랬어요.
Yes, I should have started preparing for the exam a little earlier.

가: 어제 문화 체험은 정말 재미있었어요.
Yesterday, the cultural experience class was really fun.
나: 그럴 줄 알았으면 저도 갈 걸 그랬어요.
If I had known, I would have gone too.

다이어트 중이니까 야식은 먹지 말걸 그랬어요.
Since I am on a diet, I should have not eaten at night.

Related words
차간 거리 distance between cars
안전벨트 seat (safety) belt
과태료 a fine
문화 체험 cultural experience

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