-어/아/여야지 그렇지 않으면

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도자기를 어떤 모양으로 만들지 생각해 봤어요?
Have you thought about what shape your pottery will be?
선생님, 인터넷에서 도자기 형태를 좀 찾아봤는데 이런 건 어때요?
Teacher, I've been searching the internet for examples of ceramics. How is this one?
네, 간단하고 만들기도 쉬워 보여요.
Yes, this seems simple and easy to make
선생님, 이렇게 만들면 되나요?
Teacher, do I make it like this?
이 부분은 두껍게 만들어야지 그렇지 않으면 구울 때 깨질 수 있어요.
You have to make this part thicker or it will break when you bake it.
그럼 여기에 흙을 좀 더 덧붙이면 될까요?
Then should I add some more clay on this part?

V/A+ 어야지/아야지/여야지 그렇지 않으면
It is used with an action verb or descriptive verb stem. The first clause must have a condition and the following clause expresses a result if the condition is not fulfilled. Usually, the following clause has negative content.

‘-아야지 그렇지 않으면' is used in the ending syllable of an active verb or descriptive verb stem is ‘ㅏ,ㅗ' . ’-어야지 그렇지 않으면' is used in the ending syllable of the other vowels’ is 'ㅓ, ㅜ, ㅡ, ㅣ', ’-여야지(해야지) 그렇지 않으면' is used if ‘하-’ is used.

귀찮아도 아침을 먹어야지 그렇지 않으면 기운이 없을 거예요.
You eat breakfast even though you do not want to, otherwise, you will be very exhausted.

숙제를 해야지 그렇지 않으면 성적이 오르지 않아.
You need to do your homework. otherwise; you can not raise your grade.

바빠도 교통 규칙을 잘 지켜야지 그렇지 않으면 사고가 날 수 있어.
Even though you are busy, you need to keep the rules, otherwise, you will get in an accident.

Related words
형태 shape/form
부분 part
흙 clay/soil
덧붙이다 to add

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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