[Korean grammar] -다가는 Expressing Discoveries and Results

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가: 엄마, 야채는 싫어요. 햄 주세요!
Mom, I hate vegetables. Give me some ham!
나: 이렇게 편식을 하다가는 키가 크지 않을 거야. 음식을 골고루 먹어야 키가 크지.
You won't grow any taller if you keep eating such an unbalanced diet. You’ll only grow tall if you eat well-balanced meals.

가: 한 잔만 마셨으니까 운전해도 되 겠지요?
I only had one drink, so it’s okay to drive, right?
나: 술을 마시고 운전하다가는 큰일 나요. 오늘은 택시 타고 가세요.
Drinking and (then subsequently) driving is no trivial matter. Today, you should take a taxi.

This expression is used to express the speaker's view that if the action in the preceding clause continues, then an adverse result or state of affairs will occur in the future. If the action in the preceding clause has continued from some time in the past, then the phrases 이렇게, 그렇게, and 저렇게 are often also used. This expression is usually used to warn or admonish another person.

가: 한 달째 날씨가 너무 출네요.
It’s been so cold for a month now.
나: 이렇게 날씨가 춥다가는 감기 환자들이 늘어날 거예요.
If the cold weather continues at this rate, the number of people who catch colds will increase.

가: 민서 씨가 이 일도 다음 주에 하겠대요.
Minseo said he would do this job too next week.
나: 그렇게 일을 미루다가는 나중에 후회하게 될 텐데요.
If he keeps putting work off like that, I think he’ll come to regret it later.

가: 오늘 백화점에 가서 가방이랑 신발을 샀어요.
Today I went to the department store and bought a bag and some shoes.
나: 또 백화점에 갔다 왔어요? 지금처럼 카드를 많이 쓰다가는 월급도 모자라게 될지도 몰라요.
You went to the department store again? If you keep using your (credit) card as much as you have been, your salary might not be enough (to cover the bill).

1. The expression -다가는 is used in negative circumstances. Accordingly, it sounds awkward when used in positive sentences.
• 그렇게 공부하다가는 시험에 합격할 거예요. (X)
->그렇게 공부하다가는 시험에 떨어질 거예요. (〇)

2. Because -다가는 has a hypothetical meaning, the following clause ends in a phrase indicating supposition or conjecture, such as -(으)ㄹ 거예요,-(으)ㄹ 텐데요, -(으)ㄹ지도 몰라요 or -겠어요.
• 그런 식으로 운전하다가는 사고가 났어요. (X)
->그런 식으로 운전하다가는 사고가 날 텐데요. (〇)

3. When speaking hypothetically about the present or something that is going to happen in the future, as in “If something was to occur...”,then the form -았/었다가는 should be used.
• 내일 발표를 망치다가는 회사에서_ 잘릴지도 몰라요. (X)
->내일 발표를 망쳤다가는 회사에서 잘릴지도 몰라요. (〇)

Even though the expressions -다 보니, -다 보면 and -다가는 are similar in that the action of the preceding clause is repetitive or continuous, they are different in the following respects.

>> You can click on the title of each grammar below to learn about the other grammars which also express 'Discoveries and Results':
01 -고 보니
02 -다 보니
03 -다 보면
04 -더니
05 -았/었더니
06 -다가는
07 -(으)ㄴ/는 셈이다

>> Full of Intermediate grammars: Click here 

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