[Korean grammar] -(으)ㄴ/는 셈이다 Expressing Discoveries and Results

가: 사람들이 많이 찬성했나요?
Did a lot of people agree (with you)?
나: 네, 10명 중 9명이 찬성했으니까 거의 다 찬성한 셈이네요.
Yes, 9 out of 10 people agreed, so you could say almost everyone did.

가: 서울에서 오래 사셨어요?
Did you live a long time in Seoul?
나: 네, 20년 이상 살았으니까 서울이 고향인 셈이에요.
Yeah, I lived there for over 20 years, so ifs practically my home.

This expression is used when the speaker, after considering a number of possible situations concludes that something could be considered more or less the same as the topic or subject that has been mentioned. It has the same meaning as the expression -와/과 마찬가지다.

가: 여기 구두는 다른 회사 구두보다 비싸네요.
These shoes are more expensive than other brands.
나: 품질과 서비스를 생각하면 비싸지 않은 셈이에요.
But when you consider the quality and service, then they’re not (considered) expensive.
가: 학생들이 수학여행을 많이 가나요?
Do a lot of the students go on the school trip?
나: 우리 학교 학생 95%가 가니까 거의 다 가는 셈이에요.
95% of the students at our school go, so you could say almost all of them do.

가: 어제 저녁 식사값은 각자 냈어요?
Did everyone pay their share at dinner last night?
나: 아니요, 부장님이 200,000원 내시고 우리는 10,000원씩만 냈어요.
No, the department manager paid 200,000 won, and we each paid 10,000 won.
가: 그럼 부장님께서 다 내신 셈이네요.
In that case, it’s just like the department manager paid for all of it.

>> You can click on the title of each grammar below to learn about the other grammars which also express 'Discoveries and Results':
01 -고 보니
02 -다 보니
03 -다 보면
04 -더니
05 -았/었더니
06 -다가는
07 -(으)ㄴ/는 셈이다

>> Full of Intermediate grammars: Click here 

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