[Korean grammar] -(으)ㅁ으로써 Expressing Causes and Reasons

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가: 어제 텔레비전에 가수 이명민 씨가 나온 거 봤어요?
Did you see the singer Lee Myeongmin appear on TV yesterday?
나: 네, 봤어요. 백 명이 넘는 가난한 아이들을 도와주고 있다는 얘기가 참 감동적이더 라고요.
Yes, I saw him. I was very moved by his story about helping over 100 poor children.
가: 한 달에 2〜3만 원 정도를 기부함으로써 빈곤층 아이들의 삶을 변화시킬 수 있다잖아요.
He said that by donating about 20,000 to 30,000 won per month, you can change the lives of children living in poverty.
나: 네, 하루에 커피 한 잔 값을 아낌으로써 누군가의 삶을 달라지 게 하는 건 정말 멋진 일인 것 같아요.
Yes, the fact that by sparing the price of one cup of coffee per day, you can alter the someone’s life is really a wonderful thing.

This expression is used when the movement described in the preceding clause is a means or method by which, or a reason why, some action or situation occurs in the following clause. It is comprised of the verb nominalizer form -(으)ㅁ and the particle 으로써, which indicates a means or method. It is often used in written language.

• 이번 이식 수술이 성공을 함으로써 수많은 암 환자들이 희망을 갖게 되었다.
Because of the success of the transplant operation, many cancer patients now have hope.

• 선거에 참여함으로써 민주 시민의 권리와 책임을 수행할 수 있다.
By participating in elections, the rights and responsibilities of democratic citizens can be fulfilled.

• 지난달에 노사 협상을 타결 지음으로써 회사의 오래된 문제가 해결됐다.
Due to the settlement reached in the labor and management negotiations last month, a long-standing company issue was resolved.

>> You can click on the title of each grammar below to see other grammars which also express 'Causes and Reasons'

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