V/A+ 을뿐더러/ㄹ뿐더러

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뭘 그렇게 유심히 봐?
What are you looking at so carefully?
식품 라벨에 있는 제품 정보를 보고 있었어.
I was looking at the product information on the food label.
난 원산지나 유통기한 정도만 확인하는데 넌 꼼꼼하게 보는구나.
I only check the country of origin and the expiration date, but you look for more details.
요즘은 소비자들이 오인하기 쉬운 정보도 많아. 겉에는 무설탕이라고 표시하지만 설탕 대신 다른 종류의 당분이 들어가는 경우가 있거든.
There is a lot of information that consumers are apt to misunderstand these days. It says sugarless on the outside, but sometimes it contains a different kind of sugar content instead of sugar.
난 무설탕 식품이라고 해서 당분도 안 들어갈뿐더러 몸에도 좋은 줄 알았는데.
I thought these are not only sugar-free but also good for health because it is written sugar-free on them.
식품 회사의 광고에 속지 않으려면 식품 라벨을 꼼꼼히 읽어 보는 게 좋아.
You'd better carefully read the food label to not to be fooled by the advertisement of a food company.

V/A+ 을뿐더러/ㄹ뿐더러
It is attached to the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb to add more to a certain fact.

IT산업은 앞으로의 전망도 밝을뿐더러 투자 가치도 있다.
The IT industry is not only promising but also worth investing in.

그 그림은 거실 분위기에 어울리지도 않을뿐더러 너무 작아요.
The picture not only doesn't suit the atmosphere of the living room but also it's too small.

우리 아이가 요즘 제 말은 듣지도 않을뿐더러 자꾸 말썽만 부려요.
My child not only isn't listening to me these days, but also he makes trouble over and over again.

Related words
유심히 carefully
식품 라벨(식품 label) food label
Information of the food marked on the package or container of the product (raw material, the amount, date of manufacture and expiration date, nutrition facts, caution, etc are all included).
원산지 country of origin
유통기한 expiration date
꼼꼼하다 to be detailed, to be meticulous
오인 misunderstanding
무설탕 sugar-free
당분 sugar-free
속다 to be fooled, to be disguised

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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