V/A+ 는걸요/은걸요/ㄴ걸요

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이번 학기에 휴학했다면서? 무슨 일이 있어?
I heard you took a break from school this semester. What's going on?
나 사실 지난달에 입영 통지서를 받았어. 다음 달에 훈련소에 들어가.
I actually got an enlistment notice last month. I'm joining the training camp next month.
이렇게 갑자기 군대에 가는 거야?
All of a sudden, you're going to the army?
대학생은 입영 연기가 가능한데 난 지난 학기에 학사경고를 받아서 바로 입대해야 해.
College students can postpone their enlistment, but I have to join the army immediately because I got a bachelor's warning last semester.
한국은 군대 징집 대상에 대한 관리가 철저하구나.
Seems like South Korea has strict control over those being conscripted.
그럼. 한국의 모든 예비역이 지켜보고 있는걸. 입대하기 전에 식사라도 같이 하자.
Of course. All reserve soldiers in Korea are watching. Let's have a meal together before I enter the service.

V/A+ 는걸요/은걸요/ㄴ걸요
It is attached to the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb to add a brief explanation or to slightly refute.

You should use '-는걸요' after the stem of an action verb. If the stem of a descriptive verb ends with a vowel or 'ㄹ', you use '-ㄴ걸요'. When it ends with another consonant, you should use '-은걸요'.

가: 스티브 씨가 한국 생활에 많이 익숙해진 것 같아요.
I think Steve has gotten used to life in Korea.
나: 그럼요. 한국 음식도 직접 만들어 먹는걸요
Of course. He even cooks Korean food himself.

가: 영화관에 혼자 가면 외롭지 않아요?
Don't you feel lonely if you go to the movie alone?
나 : 전 혼자서 영화 보는 것이 더 좋은걸요.
I prefer watching movies alone.

가: 저기 벽에 걸려 있는 가방이 어때?
How about that bag over there on the wall?
나: 난 이 가방이 값도 더 싸고 예쁜걸.
I think this one is cheaper and prettier.

Related words
입영 enlistment
통지서 notice
훈련소 training camp
군대 army
학사경고 bachelor's warning
입대 joining/going to the army
징집 conscription
철저하다 to be strict, to be harsh
예비역 reserve soldier
지켜보다 to watch

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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