V/A+ 었더라면/았더라면/였더라면

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이번 공연에서 기타 치는 모습이 멋지더라. 기타는 언제 배웠어?
You looked so cool playing guitar at this concert. When did you learn to play the guitar?
고등학교 때 독학했어. 록 그룹의 기타리스트를 보고 배우겠다고 결심했지.
I studied myself when I was in high school. I made up my mind after I saw a guitarist in a rock group.
대단하다! 중간에 독주하는 부분에서는 손이 안 보일 정도로 빠르더라.
That's awesome! I couldn't see your hands during the middle part when you were doing solo.
사실 중간에 조금 틀렸어. 즉흥적으로 안 했더라면 더 잘했을 텐데.
Actually, I made a little mistake in the middle of the song. I would have done better if I hadn't improvised.
전혀 모르겠던데. 걱정하지 마.
I didn't recognize it at all. Don't worry.
어쨌든 와 줘서 고맙다. 우리 밴드 뒤풀이하는데 같이 갈래?
Thank you for coming anyway. Our band is going to have an after-party, do you want to join us?

V/A+ 었더라면/았더라면/였더라면
It is attached to the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb when you regret or feel sorry while you recall something that happened in the past. You include something that is contrary to the actual contents of the past in the antecedent clause. You include contents that are about regretting or feeling sorry for the present facts. That is why '-었을 거예요' or '-었을 텐데' is often used in the following clause.

If the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb ends with 'ㅏ or ㅗ', you should use '-았더라면'. You use '-었더라면' if it ends with another vowel(ㅓ, ㅜ, ㅡ, ㅣ). When it ends with '하-', you should use '-였더라면(했더라면)'.

돈을 아껴서 썼더라면 다른 사람에게 돈을 빌리지 않아도 됐을 텐데.
If I had saved my money, I wouldn't have to borrow it from someone else.

일찍 만났더라면 더 재미있는 시간을 보냈을 텐데.
Had we met earlier, we'd have had more fun.

평소에 열심히 공부했더라면 밤새워 공부하지 않아도 됐을 거예요.
If I had studied hard, I wouldn't have had to stay up all night.

Related words
멋지다 to be cool
독학 self-study
록 그룹 rock group
기타리스트 guitarist
독주 solo
밴드 band
뒤풀이 after party

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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