V/A+ 더니 (결과)

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수정이가 예전에는 낯을 가리더니 요즘 많이 밝아졌네요.
Su-Jeong used to be shy of strangers before, but she's gotten a lot brighter these days.
네, 우리 딸이 지난달에 다문화가족지원센터에서 주최한 캠프에 다녀오더니 훨씬 명랑해졌어요.
Yes, my daughter went to a camp hosted by the multicultural family support center last month, and she got a lot more cheerful.
다문화가족지원센터에 그런 프로그램도 있어요?
Is there such a program at the multicultural family support center?
네, 아이들을 위한 프로그램이 많아요. 이번에는 저도 아이랑 같이 컴퓨터도 배우고 직업 체험도 다녀왔어요.
Yes, there are many programs for children. This time, I learned how to use a computer with my child and then went for a job experience.
좋으셨겠어요. 우리 아이는 과학에 흥미를 보이던데 과학 프로그램도 있을까요?
You must have liked it. My kid is interested in science. Is there a science program, too?
그럼요. 과학이나 역사 교육 프로그램도 있어요.
Of course. There are also science and history education programs.

V/A+ 더니 (결과)
It is attached to the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb when the speaker talks about the consequences that followed what he saw or heard in the past.

See more uses: V/A+ 더니 (대조) - Indicates the connection between the past experiences and the different new content by contrast

내 친구가 열심히 공부하더니 이번 학기에 장학금을 받았다.
My friend studied hard and got a scholarship this semester.

아침부터 날씨가 흐리더니 결국 빗방울이 떨어지기 시작했다.
The weather was cloudy in the morning and the raindrop began to fall after all.

요즘 부동산에 집 보러 다니더니 좋은 집을 찾았어요?
You've been searching around for a house in the real estate, have you found a good one?

Related words
낯을 가리다 to be shy of strangers
주최 host
캠프 camp
과학 science

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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