V+ 으라고/라고

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퇴원 후 병원에는 언제 와야 합니까?
When should I come to the hospital after I get discharged?
일주일 후에 병원에 오셔야 합니다. 그날 수술 부위도 확인하고 소독도 합니다.
You have to come to the hospital after a week. You will get your surgical site checked and disinfected on that day.
병원비는 여기에서 납부하면 됩니까?
Do I pay hospital bills here?
아니요, 1층 원무과에서 하셔야 합니다. 퇴원 수납 창구에 납부하고 다시 오시면 약을 드릴 겁니다.
No, you have to go to the hospital administration on the first floor. Come back here after paying at the discharge receiving window and I will give you the medicine.
그 약은 무슨 약입니까?
What kind of medicine is that?
퇴원 후에 드시는 약입니다. 통증이 심할 때 드시라고 진통제도 함께 처방해 드립니다.
It's a medicine you take after leaving the hospital. I'll also prescribe painkillers to take in case of severe pain.

V+ 으라고/라고
It is attached to the stem of an action verb to mean you do the behavior of the following clause with the same purpose or intention of the antecedent clause.

If the stem of an action verb ends with a vowel or 'ㄹ', you should use '-라고'. If it ends with another consonant, you should use '-으라고'.

배고플 때 먹으라고 어머니가 간식을 많이 싸 주셨어요.
My mom packed me a lot of snacks to eat when I am hungry.

원하는 학교에 붙으라고 수험생에게 찹쌀떡을 선물해요.
Give glutinous rice cake to test takers to cheer them to stick to (join) a school they want.

눈에 잘 띄라고 아이에게 노란색 옷을 입혀요.
Put the child in yellow to make him stand out.

Related words
퇴원 leave the hospital
부위 site
납부 pay
수납 payment
창구 counter
통증 pain
진통제 painkiller
처방 prescribe

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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