N을/를 비롯해서

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수술 시간이 정해졌습니까?
Is the surgery scheduled yet?
네, 내일 아침 8시 수술이어서 오늘 밤 12시부터 금식입니다.
Yes, the operation is tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, so eating food is forbidden starting from today, midnight.
물은 마셔도 됩니까?
Can I drink water?
아니요, 마취를 하셔야 하니까 물을 비롯한 모든 음식물은 섭취하시면 안 됩니다.
No, since you need to be anesthetized, you should not eat any food including water.
보호자가 없어서 수술 동의서에 아직 사인을 못했는데 제가 해도 됩니까?
I haven't signed the O.R consent yet because there wasn't any next of kin present. Can I sign it for myself?
네, 괜찮습니다. 필요하신 것이 있으면 침대 옆에 있는 호출 벨을 눌러 주세요.
Yes, it's fine. If you need anything, please press the paging bell next to the bed.

N을/를 비롯해서
It is attached to a noun to indicate the first one which/where the following situation happens among several other ones. You should use the most representative example of the noun that comes after the grammar. You can also use the form '을/를 비롯한'.

You should use '을 비롯해서' after a noun that ends with a consonant. After a noun that ends with a vowel, you should '를 비롯해서'.

그 약을 먹고 난 후 얼굴을 비롯해서 온몸에 두드러기가 올라왔다.
There was a rash all over my body, including my face, after taking the medicine.

서울을 비롯해서 수도권 전역에 오늘 하루 종일 비가 내리겠습니다.
It will rain all day today all over the capital, including Seoul.

포도를 비롯한 보라색 과일에는 노화를 방지하는 항산화성분이 들어 있다.
Purple fruits, including grapes, contain antioxidants that prevent aging.

Related words
음식물 food
섭취 eat
동의서 consent
호출 page

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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