V/A+ 는/은/ㄴ 모양이다

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 어서 오세요, 흐엉 씨. 이 아파트에 주차하기가 좀 까다로웠지요?

Welcome, Mr. Huong. It was a little tricky to park in this apartment, right?
네, 외부인은 출입증을 받으라고 해서 좀 당황했어요.
Yes, I was a little flustered for the outsider to get the pass.
요즘은 외부인 출입을 일일이 기록하는 아파트가 많아요.
Nowadays, there are many apartments that record outsiders' admissions one by one.
우리 아파트는 별로 신경 안 쓰던데 이 아파트는 단속을 철저히 하는 모양이네요.
My apartment does not care that much but this apartment seems to be thoroughly cracking down.
네, 주민들의 안전과 편의를 위해서 그렇게 한대요.
Yes, it is for the safety and convenience of the residents.
그래도 방문객들은 좀 불편하겠어요.
Still, it would be a little uncomfortable for visitors.

V/A+ 는/은/ㄴ 모양이다
As it is attached to an action verb's stem or descriptive verb's stem, it is used when it expresses the content that made a decision with an assumption which is about what the speaker sees or hears the fact with evidence.

'-는 모양이다' is used at the end of an action verb's stem in '있다', '없다'. '-ㄴ 모양이다' is used for vowels or the ending with 'ㄹ' of the descriptive verb's stem. Other than that, '-은 모양이다' is used for when it ends with a consonant of the descriptive verb's stem.

동생 방에 불이 꺼진 걸 보면 동생이 자고 있는 모양이에요.
It seems like my younger sibling is sleeping since the lights are off in his room.

사람들 표정을 보니까 저 음식이 정말 매운 모양이에요.
It seems like the food must be really spicy from looking at other people's expressions.

교실에 아무도 없는 걸 보니까 수업이 끝난 모양이에요.
It seems like the class has ended since there is no one in the classroom.

Related words
외부인 outsider
출입증 pass
당황하다 to be flustered
일일이 one by one
주민 residents
편의 convenience
방문객 visitor

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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