V/A+ 든지 V/A+든지

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중간시험이 일주일도 안 남았네. 시험공부는 많이 했어?
The midterm exam is in less than a week. Did you do study a lot for an exam?
아니, 오늘부터 하려고 해.
No, I am going to start today.
그럼 수업 끝나고 같이 도서관에 갈래?
Then after class, would you like to go to the library together?
난 도서관보다 커피숍 같이 약간 소음이 있는 데서 공부하는 게 좋아.
Rather than a library, I like to study where there is ambient noise, like a coffee shop.
난 주변 소음에 민감해서 시끄러운 곳에서는 집중이 잘 안 돼.
I am sensitive to ambient noise so I cannot concentrate well in noisy places.
그럼 각자 공부하자. 난 집에서 공부하든지 커피숍에 가든지 해야겠다.
Then let's study individually. I am going to study at home or go to a coffee shop.

V/A+ 든지 V/A+든지
As it is attached to an action verb's stem or descriptive verb's stem, it is used when it has lists of possible alternative choices. At this time, there is no order of priority among those lists. The second '-든지' is omitted occasionally.

다리가 아픈데 앉아서 좀 쉬든지 저 카페로 들어가든지 합시다.
Since my leg is hurt, let's take a rest or go to the cafe.

이번 방학에는 고향에 가든지 제주도로 여행을 가든지 해야겠어.
During this vacation, I should visit my hometown or go to Jeju Island for traveling.

독감이 유행하고 있으니까 열이 나든지 콧물이 나면 바로 병원에 가세요.
Due to the flu going around, if he has a fever or a runny nose, please go to the hospital right away.

Related words
시험공부 study for an exam
소음 noise
주변 surrounding
민감하다 to be sensitive
각자 each one

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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