V/A+ 었던/았던/였던 탓에

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외국인 체류지 변경 신고를 하러 왔는데요. 여기 신고서입니다.
I'm here to report the change of residence for foreigners. Here's my report.
외국인등록증이랑 여권, 주택 임대차 계약서도 함께 주세요.
Please also give me your alien registration card, passport, and house lease contract.
이사를 한 달 전에 하셨네요. 새로운 주소지로 전입한 날로부터 14일 안에 신고하셔야 해요.
You moved in a month ago. You should report it within 14 days after transferring to the new address.
그때는 신경 쓸 일이 많았던 탓에 신고하는 것을 잊어버렸어요.
I forgot to report it because I had a lot of things to worry about at that time.
이 경우에는 주민 센터에서 신고할 수 없고 출입국 관리 사무소에 직접 가셔야 합니다.
You cannot report it at the community center in this case and must visit the immigration office in person.
그렇습니까? 그럼 가까운 출입국 관리 사무소를 알려 주십시오.
Is that so? Then please tell me the nearest immigration office.

V/A+ 었던/았던/였던 탓에
It is attached to the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb to represent the cause of a negative result. You should include a negative cause that has already been completed in the antecedent clause.

If the syllable of the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb ends with 'ㅏ or ㅗ' you should use '-았던 탓에'. If it ends with another vowel(ㅓ, ㅜ, ㅡ, ㅣ) you use '-었던 탓에'. When it ends with '하-', you should use '-였던 탓에(했던 탓에)'.

요즘 회사 일이 정신 없이 바빴던 탓에 집안일에 신경을 쓰지 못했다.
Working so busy these days, I couldn't care about household chores.

음식을 너무 급하게 먹었던 탓에 체하고 말았어요.
Because I ate too fast, I had an upset stomach.

어렸을 때 성격이 너무 소심했던 탓에 친구를 사귀지 못했어요.
I was so timid to make friends when I was young.

Related words
체류지 residence
임대차 house lease
계약서 contract
주소지 address
전입 transfer

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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