V.A+ 음.ㅁ Change the action verb or the descriptive verb into a noun form

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여보, 제가 알아봤는데 구청에 혼인 신고하러 가기 전에 당신은 대사관에 먼저 다녀와야 한대요.
Honey, I checked and they said you should go to the embassy first before you visit the district office to register your marriage.
대사관에는 무슨 일로 가야 하는데요?
For what do I have to go to the embassy?
혼인 요건 증명서를 발급받아야 해요. 당신이 현재 미혼을 증명해 주는 서류래요.
You need to get the certificate of marriage requirements. It's a document that proves you're single at the moment.
그 서류를 대사관에서 발급받을 수 있어요?
Is the embassy where I can get the documents?
네, 한국어로 번역해서 공증을 받아야 한대요.
Yes, you need to translate it into Korean and get it notarized.
신분증과 혼인 신고서만 있으면 되는 줄 알았는데 절차가 복잡하군요.
I thought it would be just fine with an identification card and a marriage certificate, but the procedure seems complicated.

V/A+ 음/ㅁ
It is attached to the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb to change the action verb or the descriptive verb into a noun form. You should use '-ㅁ' if the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb ends with a vowel or 'ㄹ'. If it ends with another consonant, you use '-음'.

내일 수업이 없을 학생들에게 알려 주세요.
Please inform the students that there is no class tomorrow.

나 때문에 친구가 곤란해졌다는 이야기를 듣고 미안을 느꼈다.
I felt sorry when I heard that my friend was in trouble because of me.

네가 진학 문제로 고민 중을 부모님께 알리는 게 어때?
Why don't you let your parents know that you are concerned about your school career?

Related words
구청 community center
혼인 신고 marriage registration
혼인 요건 증명서 certificate of marriage requirements
미혼 single
증명 prove
공증 notarization
혼인 신고서 a report (for marriage registration)
절차 procedure

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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