V/A+ 는지/은지/ㄴ지

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미국에서 파견 근무를 하고 오신 이 대리님 아시지요?
Do you know this assistant manager Lee, who came to do his dispatch work, in the United States?
네, 해외영업부에서 일하시는 분이시잖아요.
Yes, he works in an overseas sales department.
출장 다녀오신지 1주일밖에 안 되는데 이번에 또 출장을 가신대요.
It's only been 1 week since he's been on a business trip but he's going again.
그래요? 이 대리님은 업무 능력이 뛰어나신지 해외 출장을 자주 가시는 것 같아요.
Really? Assistance manager Lee must be skilled in business because he often goes abroad for business trips.
인사부에 있는 동기한테 들었는데 중국어하고 베트남어도 잘하신대요.
I heard from a coworker in the Human Resources department that he is good at Chinese and Vietnamese, too.
아! 그래요? 정말 대단하시네요.
Ah! Really? That's truly amazing.

V/A+ 는지/은지/ㄴ지
As it is attached to an action verb's stem or descriptive verb's stem, it is used when the uncertain reason which is about the following clause is indicated.

'-는지' is used at the end of an action verb's stem in '있다', '없다'. '-ㄴ지' is used for vowels or the ending with 'ㄹ' of the descriptive verb's stem. Other than that, '-은지' is used when it ends with a consonant of the descriptive verb's stem.

제 친구는 여행을 좋아하는지 방학 때마다 여행을 가요.
Since my friend likes traveling, he goes traveling every vacation.

김 선생님이 오늘 기분이 안 좋으신지 표정이 좀 어두우세요.
Since Mr. Kim is not in a good mood today, he has a gloomy look.

시험 문제가 어려웠는지 점수가 좋은 학생이 적어요.
Since the examination questions were so hard, there are few students with good scores.

Related words
파견 dispatch
해외 영업부 overseas sales department
입사 join a company
업무 business
뛰어나다 to be excellent
인사부 Human Resources department

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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