V+ 는다기에/ㄴ다기에, A+ 다기에

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아침부터 저녁까지 외근을 했더니 너무 피곤해요. 다른 부서도 이렇게 힘들까요?
I worked outside the office from morning to evening so I am very tired. Are other departments difficult like this?
우리 회사는 특히 영업부가 제일 여유 시간이 없고 힘들대요.
The sales department of our company has an especially hard time because it has no time to spare.
일을 빨리 배울 수 있다기에 영업부에 지원을 했는데 좀 후회가 돼요.
I was able to learn things quickly, so I was placed into the sales department but I am beginning to regret it a little.
그래도 부서 선배님들에게 칭찬을 많이 들으시잖아요.
Still, you hear a lot of encouragement from the department seniors.
글쎄요. 그건 그냥 격려해 주시는 게 아닐까요?
I'm not sure. Would that not just be just encouragement?
아니에요. 다른 부서에서도 일을 잘하신다고 칭찬이 자자해요.
No. Other departments give wide-spread praise that you are doing your work well.

V+ 는다기에/ㄴ다기에
A+ 다기에

As it is attached to an action verb's stem or descriptive verb's stem, it is used when it explains the reason of the following clause where is used with someone's quotation in the preceding clause. It is an abbreviation form of '-다고 하기에.'

'-ㄴ다기에' is used if it ends with a vowel of an action verb's stem or 'ㄹ'. Other than that, ''-는다기에' is used when it ends with a consonant.'-다기에' is used if it ends with a descriptive verb's stem.

제가 좋아하는 배우가 나온다기에 그 영화를 봤어요.
Since my favorite actor will be in the movie, I watched it.

그 회사 제품이 좋다기에 저도 사려고 해요.
Since the company produces is good, I am going to buy it, too.

친구가 아파서 병원에 입원을 했다기에 병문안을 갔어요.
Since my friend, who was sick, was hospitalized, I visited him.

Related words
외근 working outside (the office)
영업부 sales department
격려 encouragement
(칭찬이) 자자하다 to be wide-spread (praise)
병문안 hospital visit

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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