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선생님, 저희 아이가 요즘 유치원에서 어떻게 지내나요?
Teacher, how is my child doing in kindergarden these days?
활발하게 움직이는 체육 활동도 좋아하지만 조용히 앉아서 그림 그리는 것을 더 좋아해요.
He likes to do active physical education activities, but, prefers more to sit quietly and draw.
우리 아이는 남자아이치고는 조용한 편이에요.
My child is quiet for a boy.
그래도 유치원에서 여러 친구들과 어울릴 때 보면 활발한 편이에요.
Still, if I see how he hangs out with a lot of friends in kindergarten, he is more on the active side.
친구들과 자주 싸우지는 않아요?
He doesn't fight often with friends?
네, 배려심이 많아서 교우 관계도 참 좋아요.
Yes, he is very considerate so he has good peer relations.

As it is attached to a noun, it is used when the content of the following clause is based upon the preceding noun as a standard that indicates the exceptional. '치고는', '치고서는' are used for emphasizing the situation.

그 선수는 농구 선수치고 키가 작은 편이다.
That player is short, for a basketball player.

초등학생치고 어린 나이에 아는 게 많다.
For a primary school student, he knows a lot.

한 달 배운 것치고는 운전을 꽤 잘하는구나.
For learning how to drive for only one month, he is pretty good at driving.

Related words
체육 physical education
남자아이 male boy
배려심 consideration
교우 관계 peer relations

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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