N에 따르면

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여보, 우리 아파트 1층에 있는 어린이집에서 자리가 생겼다고 연락이 왔어요.
Honey, I was contacted by the apartment's 1st-floor daycare center saying that space became available.
거기는 대기자가 많다고 하지 않았어요?
Did you not say that there were so many waiting lists there?
다문화가족에게는 입소 우선순위를 준대요. 그래서 생각보다 빨리 자리가 생겼어요.
For multicultural families, they give priority to admission. So, I got a space sooner than I thought.
동네 엄마들의 인터넷 카페에서 인기가 많은 어린이집이라면서요?
You said that it's a popular daycare center in the internet cafes of the local mothers?
네, 엄마들 말에 따르면 거기 선생님들이 아이들을 정말 잘 돌봐준대요.
Yes, according to the mothers, the teachers there take good care of the children.
난 무엇보다 어린이집이 가까운 게 제일 마음에 들어요.
More than anything, I like that the daycare center is nearby.

N에 따르면
As it is attached to a noun, it is used when it needs to be proved the content that has been quoted while it has already used for quotation. '-는다고 하다', the indirect quotation, is used for the second clause which is quoted.

신문 기사에 따르면 요즘 출산율이 떨어지고 있다고 합니다.
According to newspaper reports, fertility rates are falling nowadays.

일기예보에 따르면 오늘 오후부터 전국에 비가 온다고 합니다.
According to the weather forecast, it is raining all over the country this afternoon.

의사 선생님 말씀에 따르면 내일 퇴원해도 좋대요.
According to the doctor, I will be discharged tomorrow.

Related words
어린이집 daycare center
대기자 waiting list
다문화가족 multicultural family
입소 admission
우선순위 priority

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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