V/A+ 는다는/ㄴ다는/다는 N

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 흐엉 씨, 요즘 피곤해 보이더니 오늘은 안색이 좋네요.

Ms. Huong, you seem tired these days, but, your complexion looks good today.
그동안 층간 소음 때문에 힘들었었는데 이제 해결됐거든요.
I have been having a hard time because of noise complaint issues (from neighbors), but now it is okay.
그래요? 윗집에 시끄럽게 뛰어다니는 아이라도 있었어요?
Really? Was it like a child running around upstairs loudly?
윗집 학생이 입시 때문에 밤늦게까지 피아노를 쳤었는데 어제 시험이 끝났대요.
The upstairs student was playing piano until late at night because of the entrance exam, but now the test is ended.
조용히 해 달라는 말은 해 봤어요?
Have you tried telling them to be quiet?
네, 윗집 아주머니가 시험이 끝날 때까지만 양해해 달라고 하셔서 더 불평할 수가 없었어요.
Yes, I was not able to complain anymore because the older lady upstairs asked me to excuse it until the test ends.

V/A+ 는다는/ㄴ다는/다는 N
As it is attached to an action verb's stem or descriptive verb's stem, it is used when it indicates the detailed content of the following noun. These nouns could have contents such as '말, 이야기, 소식, 의견, 약속, 주장'.

'-ㄴ다는' is used if the ending of an action verb's stem is a vowel or 'ㄹ'. Other than that, '-는다는' is used if it ends with a consonant. '-다는' is used after the descriptive verb's stem.

한국 사람들이 다 김치를 잘 먹는다는 말은 거짓말이에요.
It is not true that all Korean people eat kimchi well.

이 분수에 동전을 던지면 행복해진다는 이야기가 있어요.
There is a story that if he throws a coin in this fountain, he will become happy.

컴퓨터 게임이 안 좋다는 주장의 근거는 무엇입니까?
What is the basis for claiming that computer games are not good?

Related words
층간 소음 noise complaint issues (from neighbors)
윗집 upstairs
뛰어다니다 to run around
입시 entrance exam
양해하다 to excuse
불평 complain

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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