V+ 게 하다

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여보, 내년에 우리 아파트 전세 계약이 끝나지요?
Honey, our apartment lease contract ends by next year, right?
네, 이번에는 넓은 아파트로 갈까요?
Yes, should we go to a more spacious apartment this time?
사실 전 마당이 있는 주택에서 살고 싶어요.
To tell the truth, I want to live in housing with a yard.
주택은 살기가 불편하잖아요. 아파트가 편의 시설도 있고 안전해요.
It's uncomfortable to live in housing. An apartment has facilities and is also safe.
전 우리 아이를 마당에서 뛰어놀게 하고 싶어요. 채소도 가꿀 수 있어서 좋고요.
I want to let my child play around in the yard. It's also good because I can raise vegetables.
놀이터는 아파트에도 있어요. 그리고 아파트에 살아야 친구를 사귀기도 쉬워요.
There are also playgrounds in the apartment. Also, it is easy to make friends if a child lives in an apartment.

V+ 게 하다
As it is attached to an action verb's stem, it is used when it indicates whether he commends to someone what to do or it has the meaning that the situation should become true by itself.

친구가 나를 2시간이나 기다리게 해서 화가 났어요.
My friend made me wait 2 hours so I'm upset.

이 약은 위험하니까 아이가 만지지 못하게 하십시오.
This medicine is dangerous so do not let the child touch it.

이것은 소화가 잘 되게 하는 약입니다.
This is a medicine to help with digestion.

Related words
전세 contract lease
마당 yard
주택 housing
편의 시설 amenities
안전 safety
뛰어놀다 to play around
가꾸다 to raise (grow)

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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