V+ 는/ㄴ다니요?, A+ 다니요?

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 손님, 파마하고 염색한다고 하셨죠? 어떻게 해 드릴까요?

Customer, you said you were dying and getting a perm? How would you like it done?
이번에는 평범한 스타일 말고 눈에 확 띄는 스타일로 해 보고 싶어요.
This time, instead of an ordinary style, I want to do a style that will stand out completely and attract one's attention.
그럼 파마는 요즘 유행하는 스타일로 하고 밝게 염색하는 건 어떠세요?
Then, the perm will be in a style that is usually fashionable and what do you think about doing a lighter dye?
너무 평범하지 않을까요?
Isn't it too ordinary?
평범하다니요? 밝게 염색하면 개성 있어 보일 거예요.
Ordinary? If you dye it brighter, it will bring out your individuality.
그럼 염색은 밝은 파란색으로 해 주세요.
Then, do a blue dye for me.

V+ 는/ㄴ다니요?
A+ 다니요?
As it is attached to an action verb's stem or descriptive verb's stem, it is used when he cannot believe, expect, is astonished, or want to deny what he heard from someone's words.

'-ㄴ다니요?' is used if it ends with a vowel of an action verb's stem or 'ㄹ'. Other than that, '-는다니요?' is used when it ends with a consonant.'-다니요?' is used if it ends with a descriptive verb's stem.

가: 난 치킨을 안 먹을래.
I do not want to eat chicken.
나: 네가 제일 좋아하는 치킨을 안 먹는다니? 말도 안 돼.
You're saying that you're not going to eat your favorite chicken? Nonsense.

가 : 다니엘 씨가 내일 고향으로 돌아간대.
Mr. Daniel is returning to his hometown tomorrow.
나 : 다니엘 씨가 내일 고향으로 돌아간다니요? 학기도 끝나지 않았잖아요.
You're saying that Mr. Daniel is going back to his hometown tomorrow? The semester is not even over.

가: 나는 아직 배가 안 불러.
I am still not full.
나: 그렇게 많이 먹고도 배가 안 부르다니? 믿을 수 없군.
You're saying that you're not full even though you ate that much? I cannot believe it.

Related words
평범하다 to be ordinary
눈에 띄다 to attract one's attention
확 completely, totally
개성 individuality
파란색 blue (color)

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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